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Author Topic: BLM/White Privilege/etc  (Read 15762 times)

The Hippie Satan of Hyperbole

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Re: BLM/White Privilege/etc
« Reply #200 on: July 02, 2020, 10:43:39 AM »
Hey, the good news is that this has inspired our federal government to take a long look into this issue and withold funding from jurisdictions who fail to protect the most important victims in this mess.  The statues.
“True patriotism hates injustice in its own land more than anywhere else.” - Clarence Darrow

Spotcheck Billy

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Re: BLM/White Privilege/etc
« Reply #201 on: July 02, 2020, 10:57:36 AM »


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Re: BLM/White Privilege/etc
« Reply #202 on: July 02, 2020, 11:07:04 AM »

Great photo op..  Love the hair color and spare tire.   In a fire fight I suggest he lay prone.  His wife was even a bigger target.   What has this world, America, come too? 

Galway Eagle

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Re: BLM/White Privilege/etc
« Reply #203 on: July 02, 2020, 11:19:56 AM »
Great photo op..  Love the hair color and spare tire.   In a fire fight I suggest he lay prone.  His wife was even a bigger target.   What has this world, America, come too?

Well at some point we made P.E. less active, recommended carbs and sugar instead of fat. And we all started prioritizing desk jobs then boom we get fata$$es who need guns to protect themselves because we're too fat to use a baseball bat
Maigh Eo for Sam


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Re: BLM/White Privilege/etc
« Reply #204 on: July 02, 2020, 11:46:18 AM »
Well at some point we made P.E. less active, recommended carbs and sugar instead of fat. And we all started prioritizing desk jobs then boom we get fata$$es who need guns to protect themselves because we're too fat to use a baseball bat

Well said, and lots of pizza, beer and snacks.  Thank God I never moved to the Villages.

I saw him interviewed on t.v., he is a lawyer and claims to be a progressive who was misunderstood. 

Hards Alumni

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Re: BLM/White Privilege/etc
« Reply #205 on: July 02, 2020, 11:49:59 AM »
Well said, and lots of pizza, beer and snacks.  Thank God I never moved to the Villages.

I saw him interviewed on t.v., he is a lawyer and claims to be a progressive who was misunderstood.

I know plenty of those type of "Progressives" in Madison.


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Re: BLM/White Privilege/etc
« Reply #206 on: July 02, 2020, 12:02:38 PM »
I know plenty of those type of "Progressives" in Madison.

This about two lawyers trying to publicly stay on the fence, both sides, as their primary interest is their own self interest, money, clients, .....but they made 20 donations to Trump and Republicans in a recent one year period. (They have also donated a few times to Moderate Democrats)They have a client that is suing police as well. They are clearly not liked by their neighbors and neighborhood with their firearms aggression and lawsuits over the neighborhood. They are not Progressive.


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Re: BLM/White Privilege/etc
« Reply #207 on: July 02, 2020, 12:20:59 PM »
They violated all four rules of firearm safety.  Finger on trigger, waving the muzzle around...  Geez people, get some training if you buy a gun!


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Re: BLM/White Privilege/etc
« Reply #208 on: July 02, 2020, 12:22:55 PM »
This about two lawyers trying to publicly stay on the fence, both sides, as their primary interest is their own self interest, money, clients, .....but they made 20 donations to Trump and Republicans in a recent one year period. (They have also donated a few times to Moderate Democrats)They have a client that is suing police as well. They are clearly not liked by their neighbors and neighborhood with their firearms aggression and lawsuits over the neighborhood. They are not Progressive.

Thank you for the details.  9 pages of comments is a lot to catch up on.  Nevertheless, I think I  got the picture.

How about a nice Dred Scott statue for their front lawn?  Don't we need to express our first amendment rights anong with our private property rights?

Oh, who in their right mind would live in a house like that?   Is it on the List of National Historical Sites?   Perhaps there is a preservation stipend involved.

Obviously he knows little abour weapons, his has probably never even been lubricated. 


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Re: BLM/White Privilege/etc
« Reply #209 on: July 02, 2020, 01:01:46 PM »
My reaction on reading another Ners' post on race.

Black on black violence is a problem.  All violence is a problem.  BLM is about systematic racism by Police against minorities - a similar but different issue.  Introducing different issues into this one only serves to let you ignore the racism that exists in your taxpayer funding police force.  So congrats on being distracted by the squirrel.

So your response to "Police are racist" is "Well OF COURSE!!! They should be racist!!!"

Good argument.

So what's stopping you?  Outside of general laziness.

"BLM is just about systemic racism in police departments."  That's why it is imperative to tear down statues, deface buildings, set up autonomous zones, burn people's businesses, loot, all in the spirit to "disrupt the Western prescribed nuclear family" quoted straight from BLM website?  What a noble goal tied to the ending of "systemic racism by police against minorities." 

What's absolutely laughable about this ignorant movement, which is now championing to defund the police - and as AOC said - it means DEFUND the police, and cities are obliging - crime will rise and more and more black lives (that apparently don't matter) in the inner-cities will die.

America is being manipulated by the far fringes of society - the aggrieved, the outcasts, the confused, the uneducated - and far too many educated people cower along out of fear of being called "racist." 

Nobody has said black lives don't matter.  There is no way to control the actions of a sliver of true racists, and to then extrapolate that onto entire professions, races, etc.  BLM rings hollow to me as a white, when Black perpetrated crime on Whites accounts for 90% of Violent Interracial Incidents.  White on Black perpetrated incidents, account for 9.84% per the 2018 Bureau of Justice Database.

So, when you have the isolated incident of an event like Ahmaud Arbery, to act as if that type of tragic event is "normal," it simply isn't true.  Meanwhile Whites are 9x as likely to experience a violent crime perpetrated on them by Blacks.  Do I think that stat makes all Blacks "racists?"  No.  Does that and the fact that more whites dies at the hands of police prompt me to start an actual data driven movement that "White Lives Matter?"  No.  At some point as a White you need to stand your ground and make your arguments based on hard data and statistics - and not cower to some trendy, but ignorant slogan - put forth by the fringes of our society.

The Hippie Satan of Hyperbole

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Re: BLM/White Privilege/etc
« Reply #210 on: July 02, 2020, 01:07:16 PM »
"BLM is just about systemic racism in police departments."  That's why it is imperative to tear down statues, deface buildings, set up autonomous zones, burn people's businesses, loot, all in the spirit to "disrupt the Western prescribed nuclear family" quoted straight from BLM website?  What a noble goal tied to the ending of "systemic racism by police against minorities." 

You fail to comprehend that people who are sympathetic to the goal of ending systemic racism in policing don't necessarily agree with tactics like tearing down statues, et. al.

Where does it say that if you agree to the former, you have to agree with all the tactics and all the policy stances with everyone else who participates in the protests?

That's absurd.

Nobody has said black lives don't matter.  There is no way to control the actions of a sliver of true racists, and to then extrapolate that onto entire professions, races, etc.  BLM rings hollow to me as a white, when Black perpetrated crime on Whites accounts for 90% of Violent Interracial Incidents.  White on Black perpetrated incidents, account for 9.84% per the 2018 Bureau of Justice Database.

Yet again, this isn't relevant.  It's a distraction for those who want to be intellectually lazy and have an excuse not to care.

Per usual, you fit that bill nicely.
“True patriotism hates injustice in its own land more than anywhere else.” - Clarence Darrow

Hards Alumni

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Re: BLM/White Privilege/etc
« Reply #211 on: July 02, 2020, 01:10:02 PM »
"BLM is just about systemic racism in police departments."  That's why it is imperative to tear down statues, deface buildings, set up autonomous zones, burn people's businesses, loot, all in the spirit to "disrupt the Western prescribed nuclear family" quoted straight from BLM website?  What a noble goal tied to the ending of "systemic racism by police against minorities." 

What's absolutely laughable about this ignorant movement, which is now championing to defund the police - and as AOC said - it means DEFUND the police, and cities are obliging - crime will rise and more and more black lives (that apparently don't matter) in the inner-cities will die.

America is being manipulated by the far fringes of society - the aggrieved, the outcasts, the confused, the uneducated - and far too many educated people cower along out of fear of being called "racist." 

Nobody has said black lives don't matter.  There is no way to control the actions of a sliver of true racists, and to then extrapolate that onto entire professions, races, etc.  BLM rings hollow to me as a white, when Black perpetrated crime on Whites accounts for 90% of Violent Interracial Incidents.  White on Black perpetrated incidents, account for 9.84% per the 2018 Bureau of Justice Database.

So, when you have the isolated incident of an event like Ahmaud Arbery, to act as if that type of tragic event is "normal," it simply isn't true.  Meanwhile Whites are 9x as likely to experience a violent crime perpetrated on them by Blacks.  Do I think that stat makes all Blacks "racists?"  No.  Does that and the fact that more whites dies at the hands of police prompt me to start an actual data driven movement that "White Lives Matter?"  No.  At some point as a White you need to stand your ground and make your arguments based on hard data and statistics - and not cower to some trendy, but ignorant slogan - put forth by the fringes of our society.

Yeah, your opinions are as well informed as your stock tips.


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Re: BLM/White Privilege/etc
« Reply #212 on: July 02, 2020, 01:16:06 PM »
"BLM is just about systemic racism in police departments."  That's why it is imperative to tear down statues, deface buildings, set up autonomous zones, burn people's businesses, loot, all in the spirit to "disrupt the Western prescribed nuclear family" quoted straight from BLM website?  What a noble goal tied to the ending of "systemic racism by police against minorities." 

What's absolutely laughable about this ignorant movement, which is now championing to defund the police - and as AOC said - it means DEFUND the police, and cities are obliging - crime will rise and more and more black lives (that apparently don't matter) in the inner-cities will die.

America is being manipulated by the far fringes of society - the aggrieved, the outcasts, the confused, the uneducated - and far too many educated people cower along out of fear of being called "racist." 

Nobody has said black lives don't matter.  There is no way to control the actions of a sliver of true racists, and to then extrapolate that onto entire professions, races, etc.  BLM rings hollow to me as a white, when Black perpetrated crime on Whites accounts for 90% of Violent Interracial Incidents.  White on Black perpetrated incidents, account for 9.84% per the 2018 Bureau of Justice Database.

So, when you have the isolated incident of an event like Ahmaud Arbery, to act as if that type of tragic event is "normal," it simply isn't true.  Meanwhile Whites are 9x as likely to experience a violent crime perpetrated on them by Blacks.  Do I think that stat makes all Blacks "racists?"  No.  Does that and the fact that more whites dies at the hands of police prompt me to start an actual data driven movement that "White Lives Matter?"  No.  At some point as a White you need to stand your ground and make your arguments based on hard data and statistics - and not cower to some trendy, but ignorant slogan - put forth by the fringes of our society.

Lol. You want data and statistics...yet you provide data and statistics for things that have nothing to do with the movement. Outstanding!

As a White man, thank you for standing your ground for “us.”
Rocket Trigger Warning (wild that saying this would trigger anyone, but it's the world we live in): Black Lives Matter


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Re: BLM/White Privilege/etc
« Reply #213 on: July 02, 2020, 01:20:29 PM »
I kinda think that Ners “tried” to dunk in HS and a black guy swatted it right back in his face.


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Re: BLM/White Privilege/etc
« Reply #214 on: July 02, 2020, 01:37:20 PM »
The reason BLM "divides" is because the "whities" decide they'd rather it stay that way.  Why is it always "us" vs. "them?"  If you truly believe that black lives really do matter, then your response to the BLM movement wouldn't be, "YEAH BUT BLACK PEOPLE (do whatever it is that you're faux outraged at that you claim nobody else is paying attention to)!"
Rocket Trigger Warning (wild that saying this would trigger anyone, but it's the world we live in): Black Lives Matter

TAMU, Knower of Ball

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Re: BLM/White Privilege/etc
« Reply #215 on: July 02, 2020, 03:14:43 PM »

I do know, Newsie is right on you knowing ball.

The Hippie Satan of Hyperbole

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Re: BLM/White Privilege/etc
« Reply #216 on: July 02, 2020, 03:20:06 PM »
The reason BLM "divides" is because the "whities" decide they'd rather it stay that way.  Why is it always "us" vs. "them?"  If you truly believe that black lives really do matter, then your response to the BLM movement wouldn't be, "YEAH BUT BLACK PEOPLE (do whatever it is that you're faux outraged at that you claim nobody else is paying attention to)!"

White men are so damn fragile.
“True patriotism hates injustice in its own land more than anywhere else.” - Clarence Darrow


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Re: BLM/White Privilege/etc
« Reply #217 on: July 02, 2020, 03:21:53 PM »
The reason BLM "divides" is because the "whities" decide they'd rather it stay that way.  Why is it always "us" vs. "them?"  If you truly believe that black lives really do matter, then your response to the BLM movement wouldn't be, "YEAH BUT BLACK PEOPLE (do whatever it is that you're faux outraged at that you claim nobody else is paying attention to)!"

Yeah but, most whites are afraid of blacks.
Most whites don't know any blacks or just one or two at work.

Most whites don't know the black culture including:  funeral rituals, church, Islam, cookouts, family reunions, clothes, names, music including Gospel, extended families, historically black colleges, dialect, food preferences, drinking and smoking habits.  Not to mention black racism.

That's a lot of differences and I only scratched the surface.

When I invite white friends to join me in visiting Newark I very rarely  have any takers. 

The least we can do is to stop killing unarmed black men.  The least.


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Re: BLM/White Privilege/etc
« Reply #218 on: July 02, 2020, 03:24:20 PM »

Love it


And as I pointed out in another thread, Al would be proud.   
Luke 6:45   ...A good man produces goodness from the good in his heart; an evil man produces evil out of his store of evil.   Each man speaks from his heart's abundance...

It is better to be fearless and cheerful than cheerless and fearful.


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Re: BLM/White Privilege/etc
« Reply #219 on: July 02, 2020, 03:30:53 PM »

And as I pointed out in another thread, Al would be proud.

Amen, Amen, AAmen, Amen (my effort at the Plagal Cadence)

Al knew where he was coming from.  Most Irish don't know their history, most blacks know their history.

Galway Eagle

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Re: BLM/White Privilege/etc
« Reply #220 on: July 02, 2020, 03:48:23 PM »
Amen, Amen, AAmen, Amen (my effort at the Plagal Cadence)

Al knew where he was coming from.  Most Irish Americans don't know their history, most blacks know their history in america.

Just a few minor corrections. I went to HS at school 30% black and very few of those were from Africa but I do remember there being huge arguments in history class because the amount of times African American students would trivialize the students from Africa's history (genocides, apartheid, disease, etc)
Maigh Eo for Sam

TSmith34, Inc.

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Re: BLM/White Privilege/etc
« Reply #221 on: July 02, 2020, 04:05:36 PM »
America is being manipulated by the far fringes of society - the aggrieved, the outcasts, the confused, the uneducated

You're not wrong

If you think for one second that I am comparing the USA to China you have bumped your hard.


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Re: BLM/White Privilege/etc
« Reply #222 on: July 02, 2020, 04:10:49 PM »
Yeah, your opinions are as well informed as your stock tips.

And once again you fail.  You'd be up roughly 350% if you took my advice March 19 from the below post.

Think Ellenson Family Reunion gives some good advice above.  This dip is a great thing for you being 30 years out.  If you are a buy and hold guy, ideas I'd present would be:  AMRN, ETSY, ULTA, RVLV, SQ, BA, SHOP, CTAS.

Higher volatility biotechs I like (a sector invest 50% of my portfolio):  AXSM, FLGT, GNPX, NVTA, SAVA, AQST, IGMS.

Bloom Energy (BE) is also an interesting company with a bright future IMO.

Invest at your own risk above.  Just sharing some ideas.

Date of post price   Current
AMRN:  10.11         6.88
ETSY     34.00         110.00
ULTA     128           203
RVLV     7.50          15.47
SQ        33             113.39
BA        98             180.00
SHOP   307            1,029.00
CTAS    166            270

AXSM  41               80.97
FLGT   7.88            16.21
GNPX  2.28            3.03
NVTA  9.00            31.72
SAVA  3.50            2.92
AQST  1.59            4.71
IGMS  34               72.39
BE      3.30            10.35


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Re: BLM/White Privilege/etc
« Reply #223 on: July 02, 2020, 04:21:51 PM »
Just a few minor corrections. I went to HS at school 30% black and very few of those were from Africa but I do remember there being huge arguments in history class because the amount of times African American students would trivialize the students from Africa's history (genocides, apartheid, disease, etc)

I'm Irish American, I carry an E.U./Irish and an American/USA passport.
I know my Irish and my Irish American history.

I must admit that although I grew up in an Irish ghetto, I knew very of my heritage when I was growing up.  After the war everyone was trying to be American, thru and thru.

In general I would say that most educated Blacks and Jews know much more of their history than the Irish, Polish, or Italians.

I don't see the point of this point, but it may mean something to you.

I wonder if they teach the history of Wisconsin in Wisconsin schools?  The Milwaukee Sewer Socialists, the native americans, the immigrations, the Union patriots, the industrial base, etc..  Probably not, it is all about the Packers, ha.

Hards Alumni

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Re: BLM/White Privilege/etc
« Reply #224 on: July 02, 2020, 04:25:24 PM »
And once again you fail.  You'd be up roughly 350% if you took my advice March 19 from the below post.

Date of post price   Current
AMRN:  10.11         6.88
ETSY     34.00         110.00
ULTA     128           203
RVLV     7.50          15.47
SQ        33             113.39
BA        98             180.00
SHOP   307            1,029.00
CTAS    166            270

AXSM  41               80.97
FLGT   7.88            16.21
GNPX  2.28            3.03
NVTA  9.00            31.72
SAVA  3.50            2.92
AQST  1.59            4.71
IGMS  34               72.39
BE      3.30            10.35

You're so easily triggered when I want to push your buttons.