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Author Topic: Coach Killings starts Coaches for Action  (Read 23468 times)


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Re: Coach Killings starts Coaches for Action
« Reply #100 on: June 23, 2020, 03:46:35 PM »

Saying "Black Lives Matter" hardly indicates that no one else's lives don't.  It's a symbolic statement that drawns attention to, recognizes and attempts to correct the racism in our society.

Ahh, but here is where the problem is and many fall into this category.  For those that have always viewed people from the same platform, they say All lives matter and yes, they really do.  The problem is that in today's back and forth, the All lives matter crowd are the ones being viewed as the racists.  To be honest, that pisses a lot of people off.  They are merely acceding the black lives crowd what it has always wanted and deserved which is equality.  Anything more would be considered favoritism.  Unfortunately, the "All lives won't matter until Black lives matter" statement in itself provides no end in their eyes.  When do you ever reach that as a whole?  Why is someone who already believes everyone is equal under the law a racist?  In the end, there's really no policing it.  As far as systemic, I do not know of one law currently on the books that blatantly favors one group of citizens over another.  As I mentioned before, the BLM group was founded by Maxists.  Marxists' stated goal is to divide.  They will always keep coming up with new ways to continue to divide.  You solve the Systemic Racism and then you move on to Systemic Oppression, then something else.  When your goal is to divide, you don't stop until the country is so fractured, it can't be governed.  Then you have anarchy which is followed by communism which in the end, it doesn't matter whether you care about black, brown, yellow or white because all that matters is the state and if the state wants to eliminate you, they will.  Which is why, the best way to view this is to hold dear that All lives matter equally under the law and you try to build forward from there.  Hard to divide when all means everyone.

Herman Cain

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Re: Coach Killings starts Coaches for Action
« Reply #101 on: June 23, 2020, 03:47:06 PM »
What's funny is this has been the most unifying thing I can remember in my lifetime in the USA.  Yes there are people like you, Lenny, and a few others who burry their head in the sand so they can claim that Marquette is making a political statement rather than understanding that Marquette is speaking out against the oppression that minorities have faced in this country since Christopher Columbus invaded the Native Americans and their land.  But I've never seen white, black, brown, and any other skin colors come together across America...and then entire world!...and walk together as one.  You can hole up in your home and refuse to acknowledge the cause, but that doesn't make you right.
Marquette is making a political statement. Not everyone agrees with their statement. That includes people with white, black, brown and other skin colors who have a completely different world view.
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Re: Coach Killings starts Coaches for Action
« Reply #102 on: June 23, 2020, 03:47:28 PM »
It's hard to get past all the violence and looting associated with BLM. It would be perceived to be more legitimate if it were a peaceful protest and I sure would like to see them show up in places like Chicago were Black Lives Matter just as much. I feel for those poor folks who have to endure so much tragedy in my home town.

Do you believe that the bad actions of some cops make the entire idea of police bad?

I'm going to assume your answer to that question is "No."

Then why are you making a blanket indictment of BLM based on the actions of a few?

But I am glad to know that you will fully support all of the athletes who are going to peacefully protest by taking a knee during the national anthem.
“It’s not how white men fight.” - Tucker Carlson

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Re: Coach Killings starts Coaches for Action
« Reply #103 on: June 23, 2020, 03:54:47 PM »
“True patriotism hates injustice in its own land more than anywhere else.” - Clarence Darrow

The Hippie Satan of Hyperbole

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Re: Coach Killings starts Coaches for Action
« Reply #104 on: June 23, 2020, 03:57:27 PM »
Ahh, but here is where the problem is and many fall into this category.  For those that have always viewed people from the same platform, they say All lives matter and yes, they really do.  The problem is that in today's back and forth, the All lives matter crowd are the ones being viewed as the racists.  To be honest, that pisses a lot of people off.  They are merely acceding the black lives crowd what it has always wanted and deserved which is equality.  Anything more would be considered favoritism.  Unfortunately, the "All lives won't matter until Black lives matter" statement in itself provides no end in their eyes.  When do you ever reach that as a whole?  Why is someone who already believes everyone is equal under the law a racist?  In the end, there's really no policing it.  As far as systemic, I do not know of one law currently on the books that blatantly favors one group of citizens over another.  As I mentioned before, the BLM group was founded by Maxists.  Marxists' stated goal is to divide.  They will always keep coming up with new ways to continue to divide.  You solve the Systemic Racism and then you move on to Systemic Oppression, then something else.  When your goal is to divide, you don't stop until the country is so fractured, it can't be governed.  Then you have anarchy which is followed by communism which in the end, it doesn't matter whether you care about black, brown, yellow or white because all that matters is the state and if the state wants to eliminate you, they will.  Which is why, the best way to view this is to hold dear that All lives matter equally under the law and you try to build forward from there.  Hard to divide when all means everyone.

Look, the difference between BLM the movement and BLM, Inc. has been explained repeatedly.

Again, no one disputes that "all lives matter."  It is when you use that phrase in response to "black lives matter" that it serves to downplay the issues it is meant to address.
“True patriotism hates injustice in its own land more than anywhere else.” - Clarence Darrow

Herman Cain

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Re: Coach Killings starts Coaches for Action
« Reply #105 on: June 23, 2020, 03:58:31 PM »
Ahh, but here is where the problem is and many fall into this category.  For those that have always viewed people from the same platform, they say All lives matter and yes, they really do.  The problem is that in today's back and forth, the All lives matter crowd are the ones being viewed as the racists.  To be honest, that pisses a lot of people off.  They are merely acceding the black lives crowd what it has always wanted and deserved which is equality.  Anything more would be considered favoritism.  Unfortunately, the "All lives won't matter until Black lives matter" statement in itself provides no end in their eyes.  When do you ever reach that as a whole?  Why is someone who already believes everyone is equal under the law a racist?  In the end, there's really no policing it.  As far as systemic, I do not know of one law currently on the books that blatantly favors one group of citizens over another.  As I mentioned before, the BLM group was founded by Maxists.  Marxists' stated goal is to divide.  They will always keep coming up with new ways to continue to divide.  You solve the Systemic Racism and then you move on to Systemic Oppression, then something else.  When your goal is to divide, you don't stop until the country is so fractured, it can't be governed.  Then you have anarchy which is followed by communism which in the end, it doesn't matter whether you care about black, brown, yellow or white because all that matters is the state and if the state wants to eliminate you, they will.  Which is why, the best way to view this is to hold dear that All lives matter equally under the law and you try to build forward from there.  Hard to divide when all means everyone.
Black Lives Matter=Communists.

Communists nothing more than a vehicle for a select few to oppress an entire population.

I prefer capitalism. The power of capitalism enabled me to over come the social challenges I faced in life.   

People need to look inward to solve their problems. Intestinal Fortitude is not an easy thing to have.  When the schools started on the grievance based society, those in the bottom rung of society were hurt the most. Taught them to blame others rather than working harder.
“It was a Great Day until it wasn’t”
    ——Rory McIlroy on Final Round at Pinehurst


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Re: Coach Killings starts Coaches for Action
« Reply #106 on: June 23, 2020, 03:59:39 PM »
Marquette is making a political statement. Not everyone agrees with their statement. That includes people with white, black, brown and other skin colors who have a completely different world view.

Yeah they're really not.  And in fact the entire Big East is making the same statement, that they're going to speak out against systemic racism and police brutality against black people.  If you want to disagree with their statement then you probably shouldn't be a fan of a sport where the majority of its players are black.

And come November it won't be just the Big East that makes this statement, either.
Rocket Trigger Warning (wild that saying this would trigger anyone, but it's the world we live in): Black Lives Matter


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Re: Coach Killings starts Coaches for Action
« Reply #107 on: June 23, 2020, 04:00:02 PM »
Black Lives Matter=Communists.

Communists nothing more than a vehicle for a select few to oppress an entire population.

I prefer capitalism. The power of capitalism enabled me to over come the social challenges I faced in life.   

People need to look inward to solve their problems. Intestinal Fortitude is not an easy thing to have.  When the schools started on the grievance based society, those in the bottom rung of society were hurt the most. Taught them to blame others rather than working harder.

Lol.  What an idiot.
Rocket Trigger Warning (wild that saying this would trigger anyone, but it's the world we live in): Black Lives Matter


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Re: Coach Killings starts Coaches for Action
« Reply #108 on: June 23, 2020, 04:03:19 PM »
Ahh, but here is where the problem is and many fall into this category.  For those that have always viewed people from the same platform, they say All lives matter and yes, they really do.  The problem is that in today's back and forth, the All lives matter crowd are the ones being viewed as the racists.  To be honest, that pisses a lot of people off.  They are merely acceding the black lives crowd what it has always wanted and deserved which is equality.  Anything more would be considered favoritism.  Unfortunately, the "All lives won't matter until Black lives matter" statement in itself provides no end in their eyes.  When do you ever reach that as a whole?  Why is someone who already believes everyone is equal under the law a racist?  In the end, there's really no policing it.  As far as systemic, I do not know of one law currently on the books that blatantly favors one group of citizens over another.  As I mentioned before, the BLM group was founded by Maxists.  Marxists' stated goal is to divide.  They will always keep coming up with new ways to continue to divide.  You solve the Systemic Racism and then you move on to Systemic Oppression, then something else.  When your goal is to divide, you don't stop until the country is so fractured, it can't be governed.  Then you have anarchy which is followed by communism which in the end, it doesn't matter whether you care about black, brown, yellow or white because all that matters is the state and if the state wants to eliminate you, they will.  Which is why, the best way to view this is to hold dear that All lives matter equally under the law and you try to build forward from there.  Hard to divide when all means everyone.

But all lives don't matter equally in the USA.  Maybe you'll pull your head out of the sand someday.  Maybe you won't.  My guess is you'll keep telling yourself that in the great USA all lives matter equally, despite all the evidence that suggests that's not the case.  And you'll be on the wrong side of history while people actually make attempts to move towards the equality you somehow have told yourself there is in this country and you'll call people communists for it.  Which is insane.

I'd tell you to go and watch "Thirteenth" on Netflix, but I know you'd rather remain ignorant to the problems in this country and say, "Well, there are no laws that are blatantly racist so we're good here!  Equality for all!"  It's not reality, but that won't stop people from claiming equality is a real thing in this country.
« Last Edit: June 23, 2020, 04:06:08 PM by wadesworld »
Rocket Trigger Warning (wild that saying this would trigger anyone, but it's the world we live in): Black Lives Matter


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Re: Coach Killings starts Coaches for Action
« Reply #109 on: June 23, 2020, 04:08:19 PM »
9-9-9, you see yourself as a very influential, self-made man.

Pick up the effen phone, call Lovell, and tell him exactly what Marquette should and shouldn't be doing re those commies from BLM. I'm sure he'll listen to you.

And if he balks even a little, I highly recommend countering with, "Do you know who I am?"

There's a line that always works, at least according to the research reports I read.

And failing that, you should sit down all those big-necked pogo sticks and tell them exactly how young black men today should really think. They'd be very receptive to advice from a man of your status. Make sure you tell 'em how to make a roofie, too. Good life skill.

« Last Edit: June 23, 2020, 04:10:22 PM by MU82 »
“It’s not how white men fight.” - Tucker Carlson

“Guard against the impostures of pretended patriotism.” - George Washington


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Re: Coach Killings starts Coaches for Action
« Reply #110 on: June 23, 2020, 04:13:33 PM »
Here's my question, and i ask because I really don't know...Why is it that the many prominent black people that have spoken out AGAINST the BLM movement and what it stands for are disregarded and "who cares what they say/think"?? I've heard comments from many blacks that have said just that and all of a sudden those black people aren't important. Why?? Who decides that what they say is irrelevant, and everyone that supports BLM are right?? Can't they also have valid points and views on it?? Isn't part of this big movement about "listening"? Why aren't those prominent black people being "listened" to?? That's where I get confused.
“Being realistic is the most common path to mediocrity.” Will Smith

We live in a society that rewards mediocrity , I detest mediocrity - David Goggi

I want this quote to serve as a reminder to the vast majority of scoop posters in regards to the MU BB program.


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Re: Coach Killings starts Coaches for Action
« Reply #111 on: June 23, 2020, 04:21:37 PM »
Here's my question, and i ask because I really don't know...Why is it that the many prominent black people that have spoken out AGAINST the BLM movement and what it stands for are disregarded and "who cares what they say/think"?? I've heard comments from many blacks that have said just that and all of a sudden those black people aren't important. Why?? Who decides that what they say is irrelevant, and everyone that supports BLM are right?? Can't they also have valid points and views on it?? Isn't part of this big movement about "listening"? Why aren't those prominent black people being "listened" to?? That's where I get confused.

Because the overwhelming collective voice is pushing against them. Because they have found ways to benefit from the systemic racism that has generally oppressed black people in America and choose to speak in favor only of themselves and not the greater whole.

People can advocate for systems that disenfranchise them just as easily as other people can advocate against systems that help them. Change generally comes when people who have influence and privilege are willing to speak out against that privilege even if it will cost them in the long run but will also help more people than themselves.
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Re: Coach Killings starts Coaches for Action
« Reply #112 on: June 23, 2020, 04:21:58 PM »
Here's my question, and i ask because I really don't know...Why is it that the many prominent black people that have spoken out AGAINST the BLM movement and what it stands for are disregarded and "who cares what they say/think"?? I've heard comments from many blacks that have said just that and all of a sudden those black people aren't important. Why?? Who decides that what they say is irrelevant, and everyone that supports BLM are right?? Can't they also have valid points and views on it?? Isn't part of this big movement about "listening"? Why aren't those prominent black people being "listened" to?? That's where I get confused.

I ask this because I really don't know ... please provide a couple of links to articles about all the prominent black people who are AGAINST the BLM movement.

While I wait, guru, I'll think about all the Republicans who are against the current president, spending big bucks and making a huge effort to get his opponent elected. Who decides that what they say is irrelevant, and everyone that supports the current president are right?? Can't they also have valid points and views on it?? Isn't part of being a Republican about "listening"? Why aren't those prominent Republicans being "listened" to by Trump supporters like you?? That's where I get confused.

“It’s not how white men fight.” - Tucker Carlson

“Guard against the impostures of pretended patriotism.” - George Washington

Spotcheck Billy

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Re: Coach Killings starts Coaches for Action
« Reply #113 on: June 23, 2020, 04:26:47 PM »
Wait I'm all confused. 

Through the last century alone much bloodshed has been shed.  For example:

The English and French hated the Germans.  The Irish have hated the English and the southern Irish have even hated the northern Irish.  All the same race. 

Meanwhile in Asia the Chinese and Japanese hated each other and probably still do.  The same race.

Africa - Hutus and Tutsis killed each other.  The same race.

The Iraqis hated the Iranians.  The same race.

The Indians have sparred with Pakistan.  Mostly the same race. 

Now we're supposed to believe in fancy terms like systematic racism as to why man has been inclined to disagree, vote differently, spar politically, fight and even wage war over such issues as economics, land disputes, ambition, propaganda, and even secret alliances related to some guy named Franz Ferdinand?   

Or perhaps it's in our human DNA and these types of intense disagreements have manifested themselves in an ugly manner since the beginning of time and will most certainty continue in our future as well. 

I have dated girls of other races that I have a had a much stronger mental/political connection than girls of my own race.  The world is a complicated place and even people within the same family will see issues completely differently. 

Some of your examples of "the same race" is only accurate if you meant human race.


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Re: Coach Killings starts Coaches for Action
« Reply #114 on: June 23, 2020, 04:29:00 PM »
“It’s not how white men fight.” - Tucker Carlson

“Guard against the impostures of pretended patriotism.” - George Washington


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Re: Coach Killings starts Coaches for Action
« Reply #115 on: June 23, 2020, 04:31:29 PM »
Lol.  What an idiot.

Actually Herman is extremely on point here.  For a guy who is excited about England supposedly wanting to get rid of Trump; as if that means anything, the idiot comment is priceless.  Apparently with you as a small exception, most Americans don't give 2 sh!ts about what other countries feel about America.


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Re: Coach Killings starts Coaches for Action
« Reply #116 on: June 23, 2020, 04:44:24 PM »
Actually Herman is extremely on point here.  For a guy who is excited about England supposedly wanting to get rid of Trump; as if that means anything, the idiot comment is priceless.  Apparently with you as a small exception, most Americans don't give 2 sh!ts about what other countries feel about America.

This is part of the problem. We as a nation used to pride ourselves on being leaders in the world. We led with our economy, we led with our morals, we led with our strength. Now that we've crashed our economy twice in little over a decade, walked away from our morals, and appear weak, suddenly we don't want to hear what the rest of the world thinks. It might be from a fictional show, but this hasn't stopped being true from the first moment it aired:
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Re: Coach Killings starts Coaches for Action
« Reply #117 on: June 23, 2020, 04:49:59 PM »
Wait I'm all confused. 

Through the last century alone much bloodshed has been shed.  For example:

The English and French hated the Germans.  The Irish have hated the English and the southern Irish have even hated the northern Irish.  All the same race. 

Meanwhile in Asia the Chinese and Japanese hated each other and probably still do.  The same race.

Africa - Hutus and Tutsis killed each other.  The same race.

The Iraqis hated the Iranians.  The same race.

The Indians have sparred with Pakistan.  Mostly the same race. 

Now we're supposed to believe in fancy terms like systematic racism as to why man has been inclined to disagree, vote differently, spar politically, fight and even wage war over such issues as economics, land disputes, ambition, propaganda, and even secret alliances related to some guy named Franz Ferdinand?   

Or perhaps it's in our human DNA and these types of intense disagreements have manifested themselves in an ugly manner since the beginning of time and will most certainty continue in our future as well. 

I have dated girls of other races that I have a had a much stronger mental/political connection than girls of my own race.  The world is a complicated place and even people within the same family will see issues completely differently.

That's not how race works.  In our American/Western mindset we might see Indians and Pakistanis as the same "race" but Indians and Pakistanis don't see it that way.  Hutus and Tutsis did not see each other as the same race.  Hell, European-Americans in the 1800s didn't see the Irish as the same race. Race is a social construct and is dependent on the society you live in.


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Re: Coach Killings starts Coaches for Action
« Reply #118 on: June 23, 2020, 04:52:51 PM »
9-9-9, you see yourself as a very influential, self-made man.

Pick up the effen phone, call Lovell, and tell him exactly what Marquette should and shouldn't be doing re those commies from BLM. I'm sure he'll listen to you.

And if he balks even a little, I highly recommend countering with, "Do you know who I am?"

There's a line that always works, at least according to the research reports I read.

And failing that, you should sit down all those big-necked pogo sticks and tell them exactly how young black men today should really think. They'd be very receptive to advice from a man of your status. Make sure you tell 'em how to make a roofie, too. Good life skill.
Yep a fake persona a troll. 9-9-9
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Re: Coach Killings starts Coaches for Action
« Reply #119 on: June 23, 2020, 04:54:47 PM »
As far as systemic, I do not know of one law currently on the books that blatantly favors one group of citizens over another.

The laws might not favor one group over another (I'd argue that they do, but that's another point entirely).  However, the SYSTEMS and INSTITUTIONS still do.  Sure, the penalty for smoking dope might be the same for Whites and Blacks "under the law," but the reality is that many many more Blacks are in jail for marijuana possession that Whites.  That's a SYSTEMIC issue.

Read the New Jim Crow.  Then we can talk about systemic racism.


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Re: Coach Killings starts Coaches for Action
« Reply #120 on: June 23, 2020, 04:58:02 PM »
Black Lives Matter=Communists.

Communists nothing more than a vehicle for a select few to oppress an entire population.

I prefer capitalism. The power of capitalism enabled me to over come the social challenges I faced in life.   

People need to look inward to solve their problems. Intestinal Fortitude is not an easy thing to have.  When the schools started on the grievance based society, those in the bottom rung of society were hurt the most. Taught them to blame others rather than working harder.
Typical talking points of alt-right
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Herman Cain

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Re: Coach Killings starts Coaches for Action
« Reply #121 on: June 23, 2020, 04:59:31 PM »
Colonel West represents my view point on the matter
“It was a Great Day until it wasn’t”
    ——Rory McIlroy on Final Round at Pinehurst


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Re: Coach Killings starts Coaches for Action
« Reply #122 on: June 23, 2020, 04:59:41 PM »
Actually Herman is extremely on point here.  For a guy who is excited about England supposedly wanting to get rid of Trump; as if that means anything, the idiot comment is priceless.  Apparently with you as a small exception, most Americans don't give 2 sh!ts about what other countries feel about America.
Herman is not even real
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Re: Coach Killings starts Coaches for Action
« Reply #123 on: June 23, 2020, 05:03:29 PM »
I ask this because I really don't know ... please provide a couple of links to articles about all the prominent black people who are AGAINST the BLM movement.

While I wait, guru, I'll think about all the Republicans who are against the current president, spending big bucks and making a huge effort to get his opponent elected. Who decides that what they say is irrelevant, and everyone that supports the current president are right?? Can't they also have valid points and views on it?? Isn't part of being a Republican about "listening"? Why aren't those prominent Republicans being "listened" to by Trump supporters like you?? That's where I get confused.


Okay I will start with this one...this is Muhammad Ali's son who says his dad would be against the BLM AND The protests over George Floyd's death...

Here's Candace Owens...

Terrence Williams...

This is from 4 years ago but still relevant to the topic...Milwaukee's own Sheriff David Clarke

Florida police officer Jay Stalien...

Professor Carol Swain...

“Being realistic is the most common path to mediocrity.” Will Smith

We live in a society that rewards mediocrity , I detest mediocrity - David Goggi

I want this quote to serve as a reminder to the vast majority of scoop posters in regards to the MU BB program.


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Re: Coach Killings starts Coaches for Action
« Reply #124 on: June 23, 2020, 05:07:24 PM »
Colonel West represents my view point on the matter
Of course you would. A guy who had to leave the military in disgrace for beating an Iraqi policeman and faking his execution. Your kind of person.....
Goal is National Championship

