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Author Topic: Gameday  (Read 17189 times)

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Re: Gameday
« Reply #50 on: February 17, 2019, 06:06:29 AM »
This is a good point, but there is still something inherently unfair about Zion W picking up the tab for some soccer player at Duke whom nobody would pay to see.

Question, outside of revenue sports like football and basketball (and maybe hockey and baseball in select instances), why do universities even have an elaborate system of competitive athletics? What purpose do they serve?
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Re: Gameday
« Reply #51 on: February 17, 2019, 08:30:51 AM »
Chris Otule got $375,000

I think that 250k figure is per year.


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Re: Gameday
« Reply #52 on: February 17, 2019, 08:36:39 AM »
I find it amusing those who are adamantly against things like the 70 percent tax and socialized healthcare want students to not be paid so that the schools can fund the rest of the programs. While those who adamantly want all these things want the players to be paid.

Weird flipflop


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Re: Gameday
« Reply #53 on: February 17, 2019, 08:54:13 AM »
I don’t understand this thread and the mentality of it at all, especially Chico’s.  This mentality that “we treat them well on our plantation” by giving them “three square meals, a nice bed, and English Composition 101” is borderline racist.

Why are we afraid to pay these kids?  What evil comes from it?  If the scholarship is worth what you say it is, then their is little risk to offering pay.

The outlandish accusation and comparison between the life of a scholar athlete and a slave is not only disturbing but also demonstrates one's inability to understand and lack of objectivity on the topics of both racism and why we have collegiate sports.


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Re: Gameday
« Reply #54 on: February 17, 2019, 09:19:37 AM »
The outlandish accusation and comparison between the life of a scholar athlete and a slave is not only disturbing but also demonstrates one's inability to understand and lack of objectivity on the topics of both racism and why we have collegiate sports.

Yep. Kids who don't want to go to college have a choice. The G-league or overseas if they're good enough. Or get a job like other kids who don't like the idea of going to college. And if they do go to college, the pics I've seen of athletes' dorms and practice facilities at major schools hardly seem like slave quarters.

Disturbing comparison on so many levels....

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Re: Gameday
« Reply #55 on: February 17, 2019, 09:29:47 AM »
So pay them.  If you are correct, they will bypass the money for the current situation.

What is outrageous is your justification of an unfair system because the dorms are nice.
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Re: Gameday
« Reply #56 on: February 17, 2019, 09:34:57 AM »
So pay them.  If you are correct, they will bypass the money for the current situation.

What is outrageous is your justification of an unfair system because the dorms are nice.

You have not given one good reason to pay them.  Slavery and your stretch of a stance on exploitation are not reasons to pay them when there are other ways they can get paid.  The student is making the decision to become a scholar athlete, not the other way around. 

The continued insistence of paying student athletes only bolsters a demonstrated lack of understanding of why college sports exist in the first place.  There's already too much money and focus put on the athletics part of college athletics... paying students to play sports doesn't fix that problem, it makes it worse.


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Re: Gameday
« Reply #57 on: February 17, 2019, 09:43:42 AM »
I don’t understand this thread and the mentality of it at all, especially Chico’s.  This mentality that “we treat them well on our plantation” by giving them “three square meals, a nice bed, and English Composition 101” is borderline racist.

Why are we afraid to pay these kids?  What evil comes from it?  If the scholarship is worth what you say it is, then their is little risk to offering pay.

What does race have anything to do with this?  Would not all student athletes regardless of race, gender, orientation, etc be impacted?  Or are you suggesting only minority athletes be paid and only some sports?  Good luck with that in a court of law.

Here’s an exchange for you, pay the kids but they have to pay for their tuition, room and board....if they underperform they can be guarantees like scholarships are today....just like actual employees they can be dismissed......let me guess, that isn’t fair either.

"I hate everything about this job except the games, Everything. I don't even get affected anymore by the winning, by the ratings, those things. The trouble is, it will sound like an excuse because we've never won the national championship, but winning just isn't all that important to me.” Al McGuire


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Re: Gameday
« Reply #58 on: February 17, 2019, 09:49:54 AM »
I find it amusing those who are adamantly against things like the 70 percent tax and socialized healthcare want students to not be paid so that the schools can fund the rest of the programs. While those who adamantly want all these things want the players to be paid.

Weird flipflop

 Really?  I can give you 100’s of examples of equal distinction that I guarantee you that you personally struggle with, along with many others, because life isn’t so regimented you have to be 100% on all scenarios.  The contradictions are long and easy to shine a light on.
"I hate everything about this job except the games, Everything. I don't even get affected anymore by the winning, by the ratings, those things. The trouble is, it will sound like an excuse because we've never won the national championship, but winning just isn't all that important to me.” Al McGuire

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Re: Gameday
« Reply #59 on: February 17, 2019, 09:58:06 AM »
What does race have anything to do with this?  Would not all student athletes regardless of race, gender, orientation, etc be impacted?  Or are you suggesting only minority athletes be paid and only some sports?  Good luck with that in a court of law.

Here’s an exchange for you, pay the kids but they have to pay for their tuition, room and board....if they underperform they can be guarantees like scholarships are today....just like actual employees they can be dismissed......let me guess, that isn’t fair either.

If you were familiar with Bilas argument, that is exactly what you do. 

They are paid and from that is deducted tuition and room and board.  They are free to pursue endorsement and advertising deals.  But they have to sign a contract to maintain a 2.5 GPA or they forfeit salary.  They want to be treat like a pro, welcome to the pros.

Or, they can take a full ride with all the restrictions that comes with it.  Their choice.
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Re: Gameday
« Reply #60 on: February 17, 2019, 09:59:30 AM »
If you were familiar with Bilas argument, that is exactly what you do. 

They are paid and from that is deducted tuition and room and board.  They are free to pursue endorsement and advertising deals.  But they have to sign a contract to maintain a 2.5 GPA or they forfeit salary.  They want to be treat like a pro, welcome to the pros.

Or, they can take a full ride with all the restrictions that comes with it.  Their choice.

Ok, and this wouldn’t impact Sam Hauser, Joey Hauser, Ethan Happ, etc?  If it does, then tell me again how you made this about race?
"I hate everything about this job except the games, Everything. I don't even get affected anymore by the winning, by the ratings, those things. The trouble is, it will sound like an excuse because we've never won the national championship, but winning just isn't all that important to me.” Al McGuire

TAMU, Knower of Ball

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Re: Gameday
« Reply #61 on: February 17, 2019, 10:22:37 AM »
Why are we afraid to pay these kids?  What evil comes from it?  If the scholarship is worth what you say it is, then their is little risk to offering pay.

Because it screws over the 99% of student athletes who are fairly or overpaid for their services. If every student athlete was paid what they were worth every student athlete at Marquette other than the men's basketball team would be required to pay Marquette for the privilege of playing their sport for Marquette. Most of the men's basketball team would be paid less than their scholarships are worth. Markus, Sam, and maybe Theo/Sacar/Joey would be the only ones who come out ahead in that system.

I'll repeat again, let them make money off their likeness. The top players will get paid their worth from outside sources without impacting the vast majority of players who are already fairly or overpaid. Hell they might even come out with more money too. And most importantly, I get my NCAA Basketball and Football games back!

I do know, Newsie is right on you knowing ball.

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Re: Gameday
« Reply #62 on: February 17, 2019, 10:28:02 AM »
I'll repeat again, let them make money off their likeness. The top players will get paid their worth from outside sources without impacting the vast majority of players who are already fairly or overpaid. Hell they might even come out with more money too. And most importantly, I get my NCAA Basketball and Football games back!

Let me get your take on this ...

The NCAA thinks this will be wildly abused.  Every sleazy used car salesman with dealerships near an SEC school will be recruiting for the local university by offering late-night TV deals if they attend the school in their TV market.  The universities cannot police this.

(mya take is so what.  Let them be free to pursue whatever they want.)
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Re: Gameday
« Reply #63 on: February 17, 2019, 10:35:51 AM »
Question, outside of revenue sports like football and basketball (and maybe hockey and baseball in select instances), why do universities even have an elaborate system of competitive athletics? What purpose do they serve?

Are you seriously asking this questions?
"I hate everything about this job except the games, Everything. I don't even get affected anymore by the winning, by the ratings, those things. The trouble is, it will sound like an excuse because we've never won the national championship, but winning just isn't all that important to me.” Al McGuire

TAMU, Knower of Ball

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Re: Gameday
« Reply #64 on: February 17, 2019, 10:37:10 AM »
Let me get your take on this ...

The NCAA thinks this will be wildly abused.  Every sleazy used car salesman with dealerships near an SEC school will be recruiting for the local university by offering late-night TV deals if they attend the school in their TV market.  The universities cannot police this.

(mya take is so what.  Let them be free to pursue whatever they want.)

My take is also so what? If you really need to police it, put a cap on it. How? Require all payments to be placed into a secure account that can't be accessed until after graduation (or going pro). Put a limit on how much can be placed into that account. Any payments that don't get deposited into that account would put the player's eligibility in jeopardy.

Would it still get abused? Yes. Would it get abused anymore than it currently does? I don't think so.

I do know, Newsie is right on you knowing ball.


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Re: Gameday
« Reply #65 on: February 17, 2019, 10:39:48 AM »
Because it screws over the 99% of student athletes who are fairly or overpaid for their services. If every student athlete was paid what they were worth every student athlete at Marquette other than the men's basketball team would be required to pay Marquette for the privilege of playing their sport for Marquette. Most of the men's basketball team would be paid less than their scholarships are worth. Markus, Sam, and maybe Theo/Sacar/Joey would be the only ones who come out ahead in that system.

I'll repeat again, let them make money off their likeness. The top players will get paid their worth from outside sources without impacting the vast majority of players who are already fairly or overpaid. Hell they might even come out with more money too. And most importantly, I get my NCAA Basketball and Football games back!

The likeness idea will be abused to the hilt.  Will essentially be a money laundering scheme to induce kids to go to certain schools....the rich will get richer (the rich schools with huge alumni bases and well heeled alums), while the smaller schools that can compete now will be shut out.  I get the idea, but the abuse will be rampant unless you came up with a system that said a max amount could be paid....but then you get into other issues...$10K in South Dakota is a lot different than $10k in California.
"I hate everything about this job except the games, Everything. I don't even get affected anymore by the winning, by the ratings, those things. The trouble is, it will sound like an excuse because we've never won the national championship, but winning just isn't all that important to me.” Al McGuire

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Re: Gameday
« Reply #66 on: February 17, 2019, 10:41:49 AM »
Ok, and this wouldn’t impact Sam Hauser, Joey Hauser, Ethan Happ, etc?  If it does, then tell me again how you made this about race?

You made it about race.  I'm sorry that all the wealthy white guys writing this crap here cannot see how a poor African-American kid might interpret these words ...

Markus is on a national stage with a tryout for scouts each and every day.  Free education, free training, free meals, chance to showcase and have his name out there on a daily basis.  Win win for everyone.  Most cheer and watch for the name on the front, not the name on the back. 

Elite college athletes life-plan is not be a middle manager or an insurance salesman and to get married only to have his wife hound him about his weight and cholesterol.  This is how middle-aged white guys view the world.

Their life plan is to be a professional basketball player, hopefully starting in the NBA.

If you cannot see how these quotes are the worst kind of patronizing white guy talk, then you need some serious self-introspection.

No, he gets a college education valued at $250K in today's money, earning potential over over $2M easily in the event he can never play again because he has a degree. 

For kids as talented as Markus, if it it wasn't for college basketball he would be in the G League and NO ONE would hear of him, NO ONE would see his highlights on ESPN, etc, etc, but he would get paid. 

It's a win win.  College basketball is here whether the elite players decide to play in it or not.

If that's true, why are they going to school? They don't have to.  Reality is, schools help MAKE them stars.  You think anyone would know Markus if he was in the G League right now? Nope.  Win win.   Elite players choose to go to school because it makes them better, gives them exposure, sets them up to be drafted....all BENEFITING the player. And oh by the way, for the ones that give a damn, they also get an education.  Win win.

Western Progressives have one worldview, the correct one.

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Re: Gameday
« Reply #67 on: February 17, 2019, 10:45:30 AM »
My take is also so what? If you really need to police it, put a cap on it. How? Require all payments to be placed into a secure account that can't be accessed until after graduation (or going pro). Put a limit on how much can be placed into that account. Any payments that don't get deposited into that account would put the player's eligibility in jeopardy.

Would it still get abused? Yes. Would it get abused anymore than it currently does? I don't think so.

How do you do that?  Sleazy Vinnie the used car salesman will just pay him.  As long as he reports it on his taxes, he did nothing wrong.  It is not illegal for sleazy Vinnie and sleazy Vinnie is not obligated to follow NCAA rules.  The kid is when he signs a contract with the NCAA (LOI)
« Last Edit: February 17, 2019, 10:47:13 AM by Rick Majerus' Towel »
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Re: Gameday
« Reply #68 on: February 17, 2019, 10:49:41 AM »
Wait, what?  You literally replied to me and said it was borderline racist that I don’t think student athletes should be paid.  I did not say anything about gender, race, etc regarding payment.     YOU made it about race.  YOU.  YOU made the comparison and the statement, no one else did and you were called out on it by other posters, as you should have been.  YOU.

I asked a couple of straight up questions, would your scheme not also be to pay everyone in those sports and gave you examples.  Instead of responding, now you are attacking anyone here that disagrees with you as rich white guys.....again...YOU are making it about race and now affluency.  YOU.  Not anyone else but YOU.   I’m going to give you a little clue, some of the people you just labeled as rich white guys, aren’t white and and aren’t rich, but they can still disagree with your idea of paying players.  YOU made this racial and YOU continue to do so.  It isn’t a racial issue, it’s a question of whether they should be paid or not....wealthy players, poor players, black, white, Asian, Hispanic, male, female, gay, straight....none of it matters unless you are now going to tell us that only some players should be paid based on other criteria.  YOU made it about race, go back and read YOUR comments.
« Last Edit: February 17, 2019, 10:57:24 AM by Cheeks »
"I hate everything about this job except the games, Everything. I don't even get affected anymore by the winning, by the ratings, those things. The trouble is, it will sound like an excuse because we've never won the national championship, but winning just isn't all that important to me.” Al McGuire


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Re: Gameday
« Reply #69 on: February 17, 2019, 10:49:56 AM »
I think that 250k figure is per year.

"I hate everything about this job except the games, Everything. I don't even get affected anymore by the winning, by the ratings, those things. The trouble is, it will sound like an excuse because we've never won the national championship, but winning just isn't all that important to me.” Al McGuire


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Re: Gameday
« Reply #70 on: February 17, 2019, 10:54:27 AM »
Let me get your take on this ...

The NCAA thinks this will be wildly abused.  Every sleazy used car salesman with dealerships near an SEC school will be recruiting for the local university by offering late-night TV deals if they attend the school in their TV market.  The universities cannot police this.

(mya take is so what.  Let them be free to pursue whatever they want.)

Sure, and therefore every small school with a small alumni base and without sleezy car dealer salemen, they should just fold up the tent and go play in Div 3, is that the answer?  One of the core pillars of the NCAA and its member institutions is to try to create a semblance of a level playing field.  It is impossible, but they try.  They can’t legislate the arms race of new facilities, or sluff classes, or the weather on campus, but they can in other areas...a common set of practices to attempt (not always succeed) to curtail abuses.  But you say, what the hell and go for it.

I hope you realize Marquette athletics will cease to exist in that example....but maybe that’s great for you...along with the opportunities for young women and men, many of them minkrities and disadvantaged, that currently receive opportunities from places like MU, and other small schools.  Go for it, eh?
« Last Edit: February 17, 2019, 10:57:40 AM by Cheeks »
"I hate everything about this job except the games, Everything. I don't even get affected anymore by the winning, by the ratings, those things. The trouble is, it will sound like an excuse because we've never won the national championship, but winning just isn't all that important to me.” Al McGuire

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Re: Gameday
« Reply #71 on: February 17, 2019, 10:55:49 AM »
Wait, what?  You literally replied to me and said it was borderline racist that I don’t think student athletes should be paid.  I did not say anything about gender, race, etc regarding payment.     YOU made it about race.  YOU.  YOU made the comparison and the statement, no one else did and you were called out on it by other posters, as you should have been.  YOU.

I asked a couple of straight up questions, would your scheme not also be to pay anyone else, and gave you examples.  Instead of responding, now you are attacking anyone here that disagrees with you as rich white guys.....again...YOU are making it about race and now affluency.  YOU.  Not anyone else but YOU.   I’m going to give you a little clue, some of the people you just labeled as rich white guys, aren’t white and and aren’t rich, but they can still disagree with your idea of paying players.  YOU made this racial and YOU continue to do so.  It isn’t a racial issue, it’s a question of whether they snow should be paid or not....wealthy players, poor players, black, white, Asian, male, female, gay, straight....none of it matters unless you are now going to tell us that only some players should be paid based on other criteria.  YOU made it about race, go back and read YOUR comments.

Because when the rich white guy interjects into a conversation about paying poor African-American kids by saying they have it good because they get "free meals" and then patronizing tells them about the value of higher education ... yes, it is a borderline racist comment.
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Re: Gameday
« Reply #72 on: February 17, 2019, 10:57:53 AM »
If Zion W or any other player is so heart broken about “lack” of financial gain of playing in college (again lest we forget the amount of money for scholarship, food, travel, free swag, housing, education, etc)

Then why don’t they just go the route of Brandon Jennings who went overseas and made money right after high school?

Jennings was paid 1.65 million and also made $2mil in endorsements straight out of high school.

So instead of complaining, why not force a system change and go get your money!?

Or is it possibly that the players are not as upset about it as we make them out to be?


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Re: Gameday
« Reply #73 on: February 17, 2019, 11:01:22 AM »
Because when the rich white guy interjects into a conversation about paying poor African-American kids by saying they have it good because they get "free meals" and then patronizing tells them about the value of higher education ... yes, it is a borderline racist comment.

Except the meals, training etc go to Joey Hauser, Ethan Happ, Sam Hauser, and everyone else playing basketball and football....they aren’t going to out to only some kids....which is why you made a ridiculous comment and got caught making it about race, now you are digging further and further.  Now you double down calling anyone that opposes you as rich, white guys....another racial comment.  You’re on a roll.
"I hate everything about this job except the games, Everything. I don't even get affected anymore by the winning, by the ratings, those things. The trouble is, it will sound like an excuse because we've never won the national championship, but winning just isn't all that important to me.” Al McGuire


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Re: Gameday
« Reply #74 on: February 17, 2019, 11:08:36 AM »
If Zion W or any other player is so heart broken about “lack” of financial gain of playing in college (again lest we forget the amount of money for scholarship, food, travel, free swag, housing, education, etc)

Then why don’t they just go the route of Brandon Jennings who went overseas and made money right after high school?

Jennings was paid 1.65 million and also made $2mil in endorsements straight out of high school.

So instead of complaining, why not force a system change and go get your money!?

Or is it possibly that the players are not as upset about it as we make them out to be?

Bingo.  And it’s because college helps to ENHANCE their brand on a national stage....something they don’t get in Europe or the G league.  For all the belly aching, it is a win win and these kids build a bigger brand in college than they would elsewhere.  But absolutely, if the money was key....they have options, they chose not to go down that path.  No one is forcing them to go to college.
"I hate everything about this job except the games, Everything. I don't even get affected anymore by the winning, by the ratings, those things. The trouble is, it will sound like an excuse because we've never won the national championship, but winning just isn't all that important to me.” Al McGuire

