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Author Topic: Glass Ceiling has been smashed!  (Read 31598 times)


  • Walk-On
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Re: Glass Ceiling has been smashed!
« Reply #200 on: November 09, 2016, 10:27:25 PM »
I cannot respect nor pretend to understand how anyone could possibly vote for that man.   

Disagreeing on policy, social issues, etc. is one thing.  Voting for Trump is something else entirely to me. 

I love this country.  However, the fact that 60 million people cast a ballot for a racist, misogynistic, ego-maniacal, uninformed piece of sh*t is an absolute embarrassment to me.   

That does not make me negligent or ignorant.  If you think so, you are the one that is ignorant.

Did he say some crass things?  Yes.  Has Hillary?  Yes.  Has Joe Biden? Yes.  Did Bill Clinton say and DO crass things?  Yes.  Ted Kennedy? Yes.   He is no more racist or misogynist that Hillary, Bill, Joe Biden or anyone else.  Look at the racist comments by members of the DNC in those wikileaks emails.  Look at the anti-religious smears.   

You realize that Trump got 1/3 of the Latino vote, right?  He did better with women than all the pundits thought.  African Americans, 2X what Romney got.  White, uneducated voters who have historically voted for Democrats and Democrats have opened them with open arms for many years, swung to his side.  Now all of a sudden those voters are toxic, bigoted racists?  Why?  Because they have been destroyed economically and want a piece of the pie?

You're out of touch.  Those that are in touch just won a huge election.


  • Walk-On
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Re: Glass Ceiling has been smashed!
« Reply #201 on: November 09, 2016, 10:31:00 PM »
Do you believe the people spoke in 2008?  Was that also a referendum on what the American people want in a government? Were you onboard with any decisions that government made because the people spoke?

Of course the people spoke in 2008.  And again in 2010.  2012.  2014.  2016.  That's what elections are for. 

What has been embarrassing is the reaction to the results of the American people.  If you don't like the results, don't run an absolutely corrupt to the core woman, who has lied for 30 years, has a husband that is the scum of the earth, who isn't colluding with her party to squash other candidates, and who didn't knowingly defy Congressional orders to preserve emails and not to destroy and bleach them.  Think how awful your candidate had to be to lose to Donald Trump?  Your team blew it.  She was rejected wholeheartedly by the American voters.  So were most of your Senate candidates.  A bad, bad day for Democrats.  Game changing.


  • All American
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Re: Glass Ceiling has been smashed!
« Reply #202 on: November 09, 2016, 10:35:12 PM »
I don't understand the protests in Chicago & NYC. Both states were easily carried by Clinton. It makes no sense to me what could possibly be of protest in those two locales. The democratic process worked there, what's left to protest?

If you have a beef with the results, rather than protest, do something about it. Our process is democratic, the protesters had all the opportunity in the world to elect their official of choice and organize an effort to do so. Don't be ignorant of the Electoral College. Don't live in Chicago or NYC, or any large urban area. Move to rural Ohio, PA, MI if you want to put your money where your mouth is.

I voted independent this year, but these protests are a worthless exercise.


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Re: Glass Ceiling has been smashed!
« Reply #203 on: November 09, 2016, 10:43:40 PM »
The problem is I don't think Trump has a clue on how he is going to govern.

In this day and age, the last thing I want in the White House is a wildcard with such incredibly thin skin that he had to have his Twitter account taken away from him like a child.

Well if there is one thing I've learned over the course of this election process is not to underestimate Trump's political intuition anymore.    I started two years ago thinking there is no way this man gets more than 35% of the vote.

   And really the intelligence in voting for trump could be argued two ways.  Many people understand that the lasting person of power is the supreme court nominee and if you want a chance at a strict constructionist on the supreme court you had no other option, even if you hated Trump.   I still couldn't vote for him but I know others who did, not really liking him but wanting a shot at a strict constructionist.   
But to be sure, many poor whites, which used to be the democrats base, do love the man.


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Re: Glass Ceiling has been smashed!
« Reply #204 on: November 09, 2016, 10:52:40 PM »
I don't understand the protests in Chicago & NYC. Both states were easily carried by Clinton. It makes no sense to me what could possibly be of protest in those two locales. The democratic process worked there, what's left to protest?

If you have a beef with the results, rather than protest, do something about it. Our process is democratic, the protesters had all the opportunity in the world to elect their official of choice and organize an effort to do so. Don't be ignorant of the Electoral College. Don't live in Chicago or NYC, or any large urban area. Move to rural Ohio, PA, MI if you want to put your money where your mouth is.

I voted independent this year, but these protests are a worthless exercise.

That's why I believe in the decentralization of power in many areas of government.   If you have more power of governance at the local level and don't like your local politics you can move to the next town. 

 If you don't like the state politics you can move to the next state.   But if you have power largely centralized and don't agree with the national government you have far fewer plausible and encouraging options.   Resulting in common people with less political freedom and power.   Thus revolutions become more likely.

Vander Blue Man Group

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Re: Glass Ceiling has been smashed!
« Reply #205 on: November 09, 2016, 10:55:42 PM »

Did he say some crass things?  Yes.  Has Hillary?  Yes.  Has Joe Biden? Yes.  Did Bill Clinton say and DO crass things?  Yes.  Ted Kennedy? Yes.   He is no more racist or misogynist that Hillary, Bill, Joe Biden or anyone else.  Look at the racist comments by members of the DNC in those wikileaks emails.  Look at the anti-religious smears.   

You realize that Trump got 1/3 of the Latino vote, right?  He did better with women than all the pundits thought.  African Americans, 2X what Romney got.  White, uneducated voters who have historically voted for Democrats and Democrats have opened them with open arms for many years, swung to his side.  Now all of a sudden those voters are toxic, bigoted racists?  Why?  Because they have been destroyed economically and want a piece of the pie?

You're out of touch.  Those that are in touch just won a huge election.

I'm not out of touch in the least. Nor did I label all those who voted for him as bigoted racists.  However a fair number certainly are.

I do consider anyone who did cast a ballot for him to be wholly uninformed, an idiot, or both. The question is how much damage he will be able to do to our country in the 4 years before he is voted out

Donald is no more misogynistic than Hillary and I'm the one that's out of touch?  Thanks for the laugh.


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Re: Glass Ceiling has been smashed!
« Reply #206 on: November 09, 2016, 10:57:46 PM »
What is most ironic or hypocritical is watching the citizenry today.  All of this dust up whether Trump would accept the results, yet we have people protesting (liberals) in the streets not accepting the results.  Chanting he isn't their president. In 2008, those people were labeled racists for saying the same thing. 

I'm not questioning the citizenry. I'm questioning the man himself.

Dust up? Trump said so himself! It wasn't a made-up story. Trump said it!
“It’s not how white men fight.” - Tucker Carlson


  • All American
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Re: Glass Ceiling has been smashed!
« Reply #207 on: November 09, 2016, 11:27:31 PM »
It is remarkably arrogant of you to not understand how anyone could possibly have a different point of view.

It really makes you seem like a smug, elitist, know it all who is throwing a tantrum when you didn't get your way.
« Last Edit: November 09, 2016, 11:37:55 PM by buckchuckler »

Vander Blue Man Group

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Re: Glass Ceiling has been smashed!
« Reply #208 on: November 09, 2016, 11:40:50 PM »
It is typically arrogant of you to not understand how anyone could possibly have a different point of view, or different morality.

My viewpoints have absolutely nothing to do with arrogance.

Don't talk to me about morality when Donald Trump and sexual assault is part of the conversation.


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Re: Glass Ceiling has been smashed!
« Reply #209 on: November 09, 2016, 11:43:09 PM »
My viewpoints have absolutely nothing to do with arrogance.

Don't talk to me about morality when Donald Trump and sexual assault is part of the conversation.

Thanks.  Proved my point exactly. 


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Re: Glass Ceiling has been smashed!
« Reply #210 on: November 09, 2016, 11:44:41 PM »
Of course the people spoke in 2008.  And again in 2010.  2012.  2014.  2016.  That's what elections are for. 

What has been embarrassing is the reaction to the results of the American people.  If you don't like the results, don't run an absolutely corrupt to the core woman, who has lied for 30 years, has a husband that is the scum of the earth, who isn't colluding with her party to squash other candidates, and who didn't knowingly defy Congressional orders to preserve emails and not to destroy and bleach them.  Think how awful your candidate had to be to lose to Donald Trump?  Your team blew it.  She was rejected wholeheartedly by the American voters.  So were most of your Senate candidates.  A bad, bad day for Democrats.  Game changing.

I think you kind of missed the point of my post.

Vander Blue Man Group

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Re: Glass Ceiling has been smashed!
« Reply #211 on: November 09, 2016, 11:59:14 PM »
Thanks.  Proved my point exactly.

You've missed the point entirely.


  • All American
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Re: Glass Ceiling has been smashed!
« Reply #212 on: November 10, 2016, 12:07:24 AM »
You've missed the point entirely.

I got your point, it was just terrible.

If you truly can't understand, you probably have no diversity of thought among your social group.  Instead of just insulting giant groups of people, maybe try to understand them.


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Re: Glass Ceiling has been smashed!
« Reply #213 on: November 10, 2016, 12:11:51 AM »
Nevermind.  You're just too sensitive to have any real discussion with.
« Last Edit: November 10, 2016, 12:19:49 AM by buckchuckler »


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Re: Glass Ceiling has been smashed!
« Reply #214 on: November 10, 2016, 12:38:03 AM »
Well this was civil up until the last two pages. Thanks for ruining a decent conversation boys.

Frenns Liquor Depot

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Re: Glass Ceiling has been smashed!
« Reply #215 on: November 10, 2016, 01:26:45 AM »
And we all are reminded why there is no more politics board.

rocket surgeon

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Re: Glass Ceiling has been smashed!
« Reply #216 on: November 10, 2016, 04:18:06 AM »
  "Trump spent years questioning Obama's birthplace"

  you do realize this was brought up and pursued by hillary during the 2008 campaign, right? just checking
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rocket surgeon

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Re: Glass Ceiling has been smashed!
« Reply #217 on: November 10, 2016, 04:30:04 AM »
   "I do consider anyone who did cast a ballot for him to be wholly uninformed, an idiot, or both. The question is how much damage he will be able to do to our country in the 4 years before he is voted out"

  and you don't see the elitism/i know better attitude here?   many felt this same way about 2008 and 2012.  the years of the new normal.  how much damage has been done to our country over the last 8 years?  this is why you have trump.  he kicked PC in the teeth and was saying so many things, we the people were expecting some of the pols to say.  remember debate #1 or 2 between obama and romney?  romney got after obamam on some sensitive subjects and his ratings soared.  the next 1 or 2, romney settled down and guess what?  he lost
felz Houston ate uncle boozie's hands

Frenns Liquor Depot

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Re: Glass Ceiling has been smashed!
« Reply #218 on: November 10, 2016, 04:40:14 AM »
Hey Rocket - what specific policy got trump elected in your opinion?  PC is not a policy so I am confused as to how this contributed??

Also what are the specific subjects Romney 'got' Obama on?

rocket surgeon

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Re: Glass Ceiling has been smashed!
« Reply #219 on: November 10, 2016, 04:41:46 AM »
Well this was civil up until the last two pages. Thanks for ruining a decent conversation boys.

i've seen the hangin' at the al get much worse than this.  when an elitist makes an elite statement and doesn't see it, well therein lies the rub.  to essentially state that anyone who cast a ballot different from yours, or doesn't see things your way, is a narcissist at least.  when you open a statement such as yours, you just insulted about 50% of the populace

i think many here need to brush up on their definition of the word "racism"  it's a label that is thrown around a little to loosely today and dilutes what racism really is.  it is a powerful word indeed and it's used more as a conversation stopper than anything
felz Houston ate uncle boozie's hands

Frenns Liquor Depot

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Re: Glass Ceiling has been smashed!
« Reply #220 on: November 10, 2016, 04:46:26 AM »
i've seen the hangin' at the al get much worse than this.  when an elitist makes an elite statement and doesn't see it, well therein lies the rub.  to essentially state that anyone who cast a ballot different from yours, or doesn't see things your way, is a narcissist at least.  when you open a statement such as yours, you just insulted about 50% of the populace

i think many here need to brush up on their definition of the word "racism"  it's a label that is thrown around a little to loosely today and dilutes what racism really is.  it is a powerful word indeed and it's used more as a conversation stopper than anything

I don't believe 50% of the US is racist - it's too simple to dismiss and there is much more there.

On the flip side you can't defend The comments on the judge with Mexican heritage  nor some comments to woman and think that some people don't feel marginalized.

I am from an elite segment of the US - we all are - we are the privlaged  30% of adults with a college degree and likely income in that range or higher. 
« Last Edit: November 10, 2016, 04:54:08 AM by Frenns Liquor Depot »

rocket surgeon

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Re: Glass Ceiling has been smashed!
« Reply #221 on: November 10, 2016, 05:10:03 AM »
Hey Rocket - what specific policy got trump elected in your opinion?  PC is not a policy so I am confused as to how this contributed??

Also what are the specific subjects Romney 'got' Obama on?

PC is "how" people are supposed to act or think.  it's says people cannot get upset or disagree about something that they think is crazy for fear of being labeled something

what policy got trump elected?  there were a number of policies that he discussed that got people jazzed up-getting rid of "affordable care act", the supreme court judges he would nominate, preventing american business from moving out of the country and incentives to bring back some of those that have left, homeland security, respecting our law enforcement, getting rid of all the economy stopping regulations and mandates that have the boot on the neck of our working class.  shrink the size of government-did you know there are more gubmint employees than private sector?  by A LOT...78% more?  and you know they do not produce anything

romney finally called out obama on the libya situation, for not calling it a terrorist attack, for not taking a more aggressive stance, etc  then the moderator, candy crowley(CNN)wrongly stepped in to help defend her candidate.  the people wanted to know more about libya at that time as it proved to be a pivotal point.  obama had just got done saying isis(isil) is on the run, they're "jv", etc and then kaboom.  he had to run out the clock until the election by lying about what really happened there.  if people really knew-he would have lost 2012
felz Houston ate uncle boozie's hands

Frenns Liquor Depot

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Re: Glass Ceiling has been smashed!
« Reply #222 on: November 10, 2016, 05:17:44 AM »
PC is "how" people are supposed to act or think.  it's says people cannot get upset or disagree about something that they think is crazy for fear of being labeled something

what policy got trump elected?  there were a number of policies that he discussed that got people jazzed up-getting rid of "affordable care act", the supreme court judges he would nominate, preventing american business from moving out of the country and incentives to bring back some of those that have left, homeland security, respecting our law enforcement, getting rid of all the economy stopping regulations and mandates that have the boot on the neck of our working class.  shrink the size of government-did you know there are more gubmint employees than private sector?  by A LOT...78% more?  and you know they do not produce anything

romney finally called out obama on the libya situation, for not calling it a terrorist attack, for not taking a more aggressive stance, etc  then the moderator, candy crowley(CNN)wrongly stepped in to help defend her candidate.  the people wanted to know more about libya at that time as it proved to be a pivotal point.  obama had just got done saying isis(isil) is on the run, they're "jv", etc and then kaboom.  he had to run out the clock until the election by lying about what really happened there.  if people really knew-he would have lost 2012

Thanks I see the causes and responses to some of those differently but understand at least why people were so disenfranchised.

I would just add that your definition of PC is how you feel not that someone in politics told you how to think or legislated a policy for that. I am an optimist that believes being mindful and finding common ground is all our goals. It's rare I've been in the minority but when I have I appreciated others inclusive attitudes.
« Last Edit: November 10, 2016, 05:27:06 AM by Frenns Liquor Depot »


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Re: Glass Ceiling has been smashed!
« Reply #223 on: November 10, 2016, 06:43:38 AM »
It's been 34 or so hours and man am I sick of the Democrat excuses. Blaming the electoral college? Screw that. Every candidate knew the system going in. Hillary knew she needed Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania, she just assumed they'd come along.

And if Hillary LOST the election because of the system, didn't she WIN the nomination over Bernie because of a similar system of superdelegates? Can't cry foul now.

The Dems lost this because they ostracized the majority. Because Hillary thought she was appealing to the the electorate of 2036. We're not there yet. This is on her and the Democratic leadership.

Now that said, I hope Chuck Schumer is ready. It's time to obstruct through the filibuster. Pick your battles, but protect LGBT rights and gay marriage. Protect Muslim and Hispanic rights. Make sure that the worst aspects of Trump's candidacy don't become the law of the land. And make damn sure no SCOTUS justice is approved if they will strike down individual rights or Roe v Wade.

I've heard the calls for unity, but screw that. Where were those calls in 2008 and 2012? Where was the unity when Obama tried to replace Scalia? Republicans have obstructed for 8 years. Time to filibuster for 2, 4, 8, 20, or whatever it takes.
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Frenns Liquor Depot

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Re: Glass Ceiling has been smashed!
« Reply #224 on: November 10, 2016, 06:50:41 AM »
Now that said, I hope Chuck Schumer is ready. It's time to obstruct through the filibuster. Pick your battles, but protect LGBT rights and gay marriage. Protect Muslim and Hispanic rights. Make sure that the worst aspects of Trump's candidacy don't become the law of the land. And make damn sure no SCOTUS justice is approved if they will strike down individual rights or Roe v Wade.

If what Rocket said is true than Trump can be the president for all of us by being all economics all the time.  I agree that going after the issues you say above are the quickest way to get nothing done fast. We are a very divided country thanks to the wedge of social issues.