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Author Topic: Brandon Brown  (Read 44759 times)


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Re: Brandon Brown
« Reply #75 on: February 04, 2015, 08:33:57 AM »
Because all of you so self righteous are so positive he's forever turned a new leaf, and will do nothing to embarrass the university or men's basketball program?  


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Re: Brandon Brown
« Reply #76 on: February 04, 2015, 08:36:57 AM »
Because all of you so self righteous are so positive he's forever turned a new leaf, and will do nothing to embarrass the university or men's basketball program?  

Couldn't you ask this about any recruit? How do you know that none of them will do something to embarrass the university and the men's basketball program?


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Re: Brandon Brown
« Reply #77 on: February 04, 2015, 08:39:22 AM »
Couldn't you ask this about any recruit? How do you know that none of them will do something to embarrass the university and the men's basketball program?

Well, the small difference is guys like Henry, Haanif, Heldt, Nick, haven't been convicted of armed robbery at gunpoint, have they?  I'd say odds are much higher those guys won't do anything to embarrass the university.  No, it's not an iron clad guarantee, nothing is, but their history suggests highly unlikely, while this guy's history says definitely possible because NO ONE except Brown himself knows if he's truly been reformed.


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Re: Brandon Brown
« Reply #78 on: February 04, 2015, 08:41:16 AM »
For me the passage of time (8 years) with what is seemingly an exemplary record since his crime says a great deal.

Here's what I will say, Wojo will be taking a chance if he offers Brandon and he accepts.  That can break at least a couple of ways.  In one direction is further redemption assuming a 24 year old man becomes a role model on the court and in the classroom.  If it were to break completely differently, it would cost Wojo, and probably others, their jobs.  I'll trust Wojo will be sure of his decision before it's made.


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Re: Brandon Brown
« Reply #79 on: February 04, 2015, 08:43:21 AM »
For me the passage of time (8 years) with what is seemingly an exemplary record since his crime says a great deal.

Here's what I will say, Wojo will be taking a chance if he offers Brandon and he accepts.  That can break at least a couple of ways.  In one direction is further redemption assuming a 24 year old man becomes a role model on the court and in the classroom.  If it were to break completely differently, it would cost Wojo, and probably others, their jobs.  I'll trust Wojo will be sure of his decision before it's made.

And this is all so premature... they're clearly casting a wide net while looking for a PG. Who knows if there will even be an offer at this point.

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Re: Brandon Brown
« Reply #80 on: February 04, 2015, 08:43:46 AM »
Well, the small difference is guys like Henry, Haanif, Heldt, Nick, haven't been convicted of armed robbery at gunpoint, have they?  I'd say odds are much higher those guys won't do anything to embarrass the university.  No, it's not an iron clad guarantee, nothing is, but their history suggests highly unlikely, while this guy's history says definitely possible because NO ONE except Brown himself knows if he's truly been reformed.
Maigh Eo for Sam


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Re: Brandon Brown
« Reply #81 on: February 04, 2015, 08:50:10 AM »
And this is all so premature... they're clearly casting a wide net while looking for a PG. Who knows if there will even be an offer at this point.

Of course.  I suppose we're on page whatever on this thread is the history associated with this potential recruit.

Lennys Tap

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Re: Brandon Brown
« Reply #82 on: February 04, 2015, 08:54:11 AM »
Because all of you so self righteous are so positive he's forever turned a new leaf, and will do nothing to embarrass the university or men's basketball program?  

I'm not self righteous, nor am I "positive he will do nothing to embarrass the university" - of course, unlike you I guess, I've never been positive that any 18 year old young man at Marquette won't do something embarrassing. But he's 24, has paid a price for what he did at 15, and everything (3.7 GPA, his coach's and his teammate's words, etc.) we know about him TODAY says he's grown up and changed. You want to stand in judgment, fine. Hope Wojo and MU won't.
« Last Edit: February 04, 2015, 08:57:48 AM by Lennys Tap »


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Re: Brandon Brown
« Reply #83 on: February 04, 2015, 09:05:07 AM »
Let someone else believe in forgiveness. Let someone else believe in redemption. Enough of that already. We're better than that! "Just judge, baby".


This needed to be quoted so others can see this again. 


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Re: Brandon Brown
« Reply #84 on: February 04, 2015, 09:20:37 AM »
About 2,000 years ago, a dude walked the face of the Earth in a place we call the Middle East. He lived in what today is Israel and spoke of loving thy fellow man, turning the other cheek and forgiveness.

His thoughts were the foundation for what today we know as Western Civilization. His belief in the inherent value of every man led to the Constitution of the United States. His beliefs also became the philosophy behind the establishment of a great university located in Milwaukee, WI that also happens to play a mean game of basketball (most of the time).

So in keeping with the philosophies of Jesus, the mission of Marquette University to spread the Word as well as the values that make us Americans, I would suggest that everyone ask the same set of questions outlined below:

  1) Is he repentant?
  2) Can he be admitted to Marquette and do Marquette work?
  3) Does he want to attend Marquette and work toward a degree?
  4) Can he help the Warrior basketball team attain the expectations Coach Wojo and most of us have for it?
  5) Does he buy into the Wojo system?

If the answer is "yes," then welcome him! Cheer him on and hope he is a solution to our needs at point guard for next year and beyond!


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Re: Brandon Brown
« Reply #85 on: February 04, 2015, 09:29:17 AM »
Because all of you so self righteous are so positive he's forever turned a new leaf, and will do nothing to embarrass the university or men's basketball program?  

We can't guarantee any player won't do something wrong. People make mistakes every day. However, hes been clean for 8 years now from wrongdoing. Was it a serious one? Sure. But in my experience, if recidivism is going to happen it's going to be close in time.

Hell, after seeing him play I'm sure we'd all want Shaquille McKissick. He's a standup kid that's trying to do right. While it wasn't robbery, he did spend time in jail as well before making it to the NCAA ranks. People can change, especially when out of the environment that created those circumstances.
Assume what I say should be in teal if it doesn't pass the smell test for you.


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Re: Brandon Brown
« Reply #86 on: February 04, 2015, 09:32:26 AM »
I don't subscribe to the Catholic mantra and didn't absorb anything of note from the Jesuit education at MU. But that doesn't matter! What matters is that this kid did something horrifically stupid as a kid and has paid his debt. Since being released, it appears that he has lived a pretty good life. I see no reason for MU to prevent him from continuing down that path in Milwaukee. Nothing to do with being a good Christian; it's just being a decent human being.


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Re: Brandon Brown
« Reply #87 on: February 04, 2015, 09:34:22 AM »
Wasn't comparing it was attempting to point out that you all sound like a bunch of wealthy sheltered suburbanites who excel at judging people who didn't come up the regular path in life and probably would have been all upset at us offering a homeless kid to despite his character.

The thing that I can't believe here is how quick you guys are judging a 24 year old for his 15yr old mistake.  I have to assume you guys were all model kids at 15 (and beyond) and never caused any trouble whatsoever that you could be judged for. Sure his teenage stupiditywas a more serious offense, well he also probably didn't grow up where it's uncommon or viewed very serious. I just can't believe that you guys think who you are when you're 15 should define you for life.
Clearly - rising above homelessness, staying out of trouble despite being in a toxic environment and working hard to improve your situation on and off the court are to be commended.   How do you draw the conclusion that I am against Jr. College kids based on the fact that I feel pointing a gun in someone's face, and threatening to leave their kids orphaned over a wallet, disqualifies one from receiving the privilege of a scholarship?
That's quite an imagination.
And, can we stop with the "mistake of a 15 yr old" talk?  Committing ARMED robbery is not a mistake, or being in the wrong place at the wrong time.  I've made mistakes, that was not one of them.  Armed robbery is having total disregard for human life, and IMO disqualifies one from being awarded an athletic scholarship.  

If having that opinion makes me heartless, unforgiving, judgmental and elitist in your mind, I am ok with that.  This isn't about forgiveness.  Simply stated, there are thousands of more deserving kids of a scholarship provided by Blue & Gold Fund donors like myself.  

If he wants to enroll in school, and tryout for the team on his own dime, he should.  I doubt he will be doing that.


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Re: Brandon Brown
« Reply #88 on: February 04, 2015, 09:36:10 AM »
Who said lock him up for life?  I hope he puts himself through school, gets a good paying job, and doesn't commit any more felonies.

But, that's a long way from earning a full ride to Marquette.  Getting a full ride to a great school is a privilege, not a second chance.   

He got his second chance the day he was let out of prison, nobody owes him anything.

His "second chance" is to be treated like any other member of society.  If that "second chance" means he *earns* the ability to get a division one basketball scholarship, then I am all for it.


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Re: Brandon Brown
« Reply #89 on: February 04, 2015, 09:37:59 AM »
Clearly - rising above homelessness, staying out of trouble despite being in a toxic environment and working hard to improve your situation on and off the court are to be commended.   How do you draw the conclusion that I am against Jr. College kids based on the fact that I feel pointing a gun in someone's face, and threatening to leave their kids orphaned over a wallet, disqualifies one from receiving the privilege of a scholarship?
That's quite an imagination.
And, can we stop with the "mistake of a 15 yr old" talk?  Committing ARMED robbery is not a mistake, or being in the wrong place at the wrong time.  I've made mistakes, that was not one of them.  Armed robbery is having total disregard for human life, and IMO disqualifies one from being awarded an athletic scholarship.  

If having that opinion makes me heartless, unforgiving, judgmental and elitist in your mind, I am ok with that.  This isn't about forgiveness.  Simply stated, there are thousands of more deserving kids of a scholarship provided by Blue & Gold Fund donors like myself.  

If he wants to enroll in school, and tryout for the team on his own dime, he should.  I doubt he will be doing that.

You're obviously entitled to your opinion, but I'm guessing that you and Brandon grew up in vastly different environments.


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Re: Brandon Brown
« Reply #90 on: February 04, 2015, 09:38:52 AM »
Mr. Holier than Thou - You know, I expressed my opinion.  You don't know me, and what I do except for being a rabid MU fan.  So don't judge me and put yourself on this pedastal.   I'll stop there -because I may not stop otherwise.  

You can say whatever the f*ck you want.  

My opinion is that when you dismiss someone out of hand based on something they did 1/3 of their life ago, paid their price to society, showed no inclination of doing again and in fact is upfront, and remorseful about it, my Christian teaching leads me to believe that we should treat that person as we would any other.


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Re: Brandon Brown
« Reply #91 on: February 04, 2015, 09:40:46 AM »
Simply stated, there are thousands of more deserving kids of a scholarship provided by Blue & Gold Fund donors like myself.

Like the white lax player from the east coast that popped acid and assaulted a female cop?


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Re: Brandon Brown
« Reply #92 on: February 04, 2015, 09:46:48 AM »
If having that opinion makes me heartless, unforgiving, judgmental and elitist in your mind, I am ok with that.  This isn't about forgiveness.  Simply stated, there are thousands of more deserving kids of a scholarship provided by Blue & Gold Fund donors like myself. 

This type of post/opinion is why I oftentimes can't stand being part of this alumni base.  Incredibly sad.

Lennys Tap

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Re: Brandon Brown
« Reply #93 on: February 04, 2015, 09:59:44 AM »

If he wants to enroll in school, and tryout for the team on his own dime, he should.  I doubt he will be doing that.

So if he had the decency to be born to well to do parents who could afford the Marquette tuition you would be OK with him enrolling and playing basketball here. Otherwise, no.

If we THINK you're elitist? LOL.


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Re: Brandon Brown
« Reply #94 on: February 04, 2015, 10:03:24 AM »
I typically just follow the different threads and rarely do I jump into the fray but I have a few hypotheticals for those who think this guy isn't worthing of being a student-athlete at Marquette. Would your opinions change if he were not a basketball player? In other words would you be objecting so strenuously if he were a JUCO student looking to transfer in strictly as a student? What if he walked on? Also, what if one of the incoming recruits was arrested for a drug-related offense. Should they automatically be disqualified from attending Marquette let alone playing a sport? Where do you draw the line? Who makes the determination on what is or isn't "serios" enough to disqualify someone from attending?


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Re: Brandon Brown
« Reply #95 on: February 04, 2015, 10:04:28 AM »
And, can we stop with the "mistake of a 15 yr old" talk?  Committing ARMED robbery is not a mistake

Agreed, I think everyone here realizes the seriousness of Armed Robbery.  That isn't the point most people are making here.

, or being in the wrong place at the wrong time.  

NOBODY has said this at all


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Re: Brandon Brown
« Reply #96 on: February 04, 2015, 10:17:34 AM »
One of my favorite things about sports are the redemption stories. I don't know if Brown has truly turned over a new leaf, but considering he did his time, has functioned in society without incident for two years and seems to have the support of his coach and teammates as a good citizen, student, and on-court contributor, I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. When the stories of guys like Jimmy and overcoming his upbringing, Jae overcoming some shady JUCO issues, or Wes going from undrafted to contributor to starter come out, I'm proud those guys went to Marquette.

I realize Brown's situation is different. However I also believe that the greatest rewards come when you are willing to take the greatest risks. Brown has build up a modest track record over the past couple years that indicates he has indeed learned from his mistakes and is trying to make a new life for himself that doesn't involve the shady dealings of his past. If he manages to do that, I'd love to be able to say he did it at my alma mater.

There are still a lot of ifs. If Wojo offers, if Brown would accept, if he managed a successful career without incident, if he was able to use the resources Marquette could give him to make a positive contribution to both society and his own life. There are a lot of question marks. And yes, there are more question marks than there are with our other recruits. But if you want to be the difference, you have to be willing to put yourself out there and take a risk. If the staff believes in him, I hope they give him the chance. If it doesn't work out, I'd still be glad that they tried.
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Re: Brandon Brown
« Reply #97 on: February 04, 2015, 10:26:48 AM »
It is a continuation of the debate regarding Malek Harris.    The difference being that BB's criminal act happened when he was younger, he was incarcerated for it, and his actions since indicate he is trying to do right.   Malek was suspended, but not put in jail.    And it is about forgiveness, redemption, second chances.  This debate is yet another Rorschach  test about who we are as individuals, where MU's basketball team is at as a team, what kind of player does Wojo want, and where the MU administration is.   I don't know how this will turn out, but I find the debate fascinating and illuminating
Luke 6:45   ...A good man produces goodness from the good in his heart; an evil man produces evil out of his store of evil.   Each man speaks from his heart's abundance...

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Re: Brandon Brown
« Reply #98 on: February 04, 2015, 10:40:48 AM »
Well, the small difference is guys like Henry, Haanif, Heldt, Nick, haven't been convicted of armed robbery at gunpoint, have they?  I'd say odds are much higher those guys won't do anything to embarrass the university.  No, it's not an iron clad guarantee, nothing is, but their history suggests highly unlikely, while this guy's history says definitely possible because NO ONE except Brown himself knows if he's truly been reformed.

I would suggest at this point in their lives that Brandon Brown is probably more stable in his life than Nick Noskowiak. I'm not comparing armed robbery to whatever Nick is going through but from my perspective, Nick is more of a gamble than Brandon right now.
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Re: Brandon Brown
« Reply #99 on: February 04, 2015, 11:16:39 AM »

So you would eliminate him from consideration based on this fact alone?


