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Dr. Blackheart

Quote from: ChicosBailBonds on February 03, 2015, 05:48:32 PM
Of course we're doing a good job with some of our lax immigration enforcement of allowing some of that to come back to the U.S....which is nice.

School and community health officials will tell you this group is the most complaint.  First, they come from a place where disease is commonplace and know and want better for their families. Second, they will be the most compliant as they don't want to get on radars. Third, many work in food service/processing or hospital industries and are required to be vaccinated-legal or not.  More so, if they are being processed in immigration they will be vaccinated or will need to show proof of vaccination.

The biggest offenders are the educated Fruitcakes of Orange County.


Our community's solution is simple: Children enrolled in the public schools must be vaccinated.

Death on call


Quote from: TSmith34 on February 03, 2015, 06:07:23 PM
Here is the difference:  on global warming, the politicians on the right are denying it; on vaccinations, I don't think you'll find many if any politicians on the left that are anti-vax.  On the contrary, those siding with the anti-vaxxers are politicians on the right (Paul, Christie, Trump, et al).

   For the record none of the above mentioned are anti-vaxxers but people who have spoken out about choice from what I have read.


Quote from: elephantraker on February 03, 2015, 11:45:18 PM
   For the record none of the above mentioned are anti-vaxxers but people who have spoken out about choice from what I have read.

Not quite. They are WORSE than the anti vaxxers. Trump, Paul, and christie have all stated that vaccines can cause autism. I understand that people want/need something to blame when their child is stricken. But it is unconscionable for public officials to make these kinds of statements. It just encourages more people to refuse vaccination for their children.

Maybe instead of feeding their base, they could spend some time reading what the scientists and researchers have to say on the matter.


Quote from: Dr. Blackheart on February 03, 2015, 10:47:16 PM
School and community health officials will tell you this group is the most complaint.  First, they come from a place where disease is commonplace and know and want better for their families. Second, they will be the most compliant as they don't want to get on radars. Third, many work in food service/processing or hospital industries and are required to be vaccinated-legal or not.  More so, if they are being processed in immigration they will be vaccinated or will need to show proof of vaccination.

The biggest offenders are the educated Fruitcakes of Orange County.

Let me provide you a passage directly from the US Deptartment of Education and the US Department of Justice.  The passage is still available on both US department websites....underline and colored by me.

On May 8, 2014, the U.S. Department of Education (USED) and the U.S. Department of Justice (USDOJ) issued updated guidance to assist public elementary and secondary schools to ensure enrollment processes are consistent with the law and fulfill their obligation to provide all children – regardless of national origin, immigration status or background – equal access to an education. Such equal access extends to children who come into the United States from other countries without an adult guardian. These children are referred to as unaccompanied alien children (UAC) in federal statutes.

An unaccompanied alien child is a child who has no lawful immigration status in the United States; has not attained 18 years of age; and, with respect to whom, there is no parent or legal guardian in the United States, or no parent or legal guardian in the United States available to provide care and physical custody.

While a case-by-case review of each child's circumstances upon enrolling in a Virginia public school is necessary, many of these unaccompanied children will be deemed homeless under applicable state and federal law. Pursuant to Va. Code § 22.1-3, a homeless child is one who lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence. The statute specifies that, included in this definition, are "unaccompanied youths who are not in the physical custody of their parents, who ... are sharing the housing of other persons due to loss of housing, economic hardship, or other causes; are living in motels, hotels, trailer parks, or camping grounds due to lack of alternative adequate accommodations or in emergency, congregate, temporary, or transitional shelters; are abandoned in hospitals; or are awaiting foster care placement."

School divisions must immediately enroll homeless students, even if those students are unable to produce the records required for enrollment. In addition, division superintendents cannot exclude from school attendance those homeless children who do not provide the requisite health or immunization information required of other students. School divisions must immediately refer the student to the school division liaison required to assist the student in obtaining necessary physical examinations or proof of completion of immunizations. For more information regarding the enrollment of homeless students.


Quote from: TSmith34 on February 03, 2015, 06:07:23 PM
Here is the difference:  on global warming, the politicians on the right are denying it; on vaccinations, I don't think you'll find many if any politicians on the left that are anti-vax.  On the contrary, those siding with the anti-vaxxers are politicians on the right (Paul, Christie, Trump, et al).

Uhm, no.  A few are, but most are not denying it.  They are asking important questions like, what contribution are humans making.  That is a significant difference.

Furthermore, if we spend billions or trillions or whatever, what impact will it make?  1 degree?  1/2 a degree?  If nothing is done, what are the impacts.

It doesn't help matters when people run around saying the hurricane seasons will be horrible, they have been anything but.  Both poles are going to be gone by now, they aren't and one pole is actually growing.  Water levels will increase by a foot or two, and nothing of the kind has happened.  That doesn't mean any of those things WON'T happen, but the rhetoric and scare mongering has done nothing to add credibility for those folks because the normal guy reads the scary stories, then sees it isn't happening, and no longer believes the boy crying wolf (even if the boy may be right).

You are painting way too broad a brush to "politicians on the right"....some, yes...most believe climate changes.  It always has and always will, whether human beings are here or not.

Dr. Blackheart

What does homeless kids enrollment have to do with immigration and immunization? You do realize there are public health workers, social workers, and free immunizations for kids once they get into schools and the requisite paperwork and immunizations? And how responsible would it be for schools to turn away homeless kids?  Are all homeless kids immigrants?  Do they all live in Disneyland?  Smh


Quote from: Dr. Blackheart on February 04, 2015, 06:25:50 AM
What does homeless kids enrollment have to do with immigration and immunization? You do realize there are public health workers, social workers, and free immunizations for kids once they get into schools and the requisite paperwork and immunizations? And how responsible would it be for schools to turn away homeless kids?  Are all homeless kids immigrants?  Do they all live in Disneyland?  Smh

Honestly, do you have to ask why Chicos doesn't want society to help the poor?  He said in the other thread he wants to tax people living below the poverty line.


Quote from: Sir Lawrence on February 03, 2015, 07:31:17 PM
My oldest daughter is preggers with who will soon be my first grandchild.  She lives on the east coast, and must, unfortunately, ask any potential pediatrician whether he/she allows unvaccinated patients.

Can't tell by the way that's written .. your daughter wants to not vaccinate?  Or doesn't want to be in an office where there's anti-vaxxers?  Imagine the latter.

Dr. Blackheart

Quote from: The Sultan of Sunshine on February 04, 2015, 07:43:02 AM

Honestly, do you have to ask why Chicos doesn't want society to help the poor?  He said in the other thread he wants to tax people living below the poverty line.

CDC just identified the cause of the Disneyland outbreak on the Peter Pan ride.

Hards Alumni

Didn't read the whole thread, but if there is anyone who is anti-vaxx in this thread they should give back their MU degree.

This "issue" is a total embarrassment to our country.


Quote from: The Sultan of Sunshine on February 04, 2015, 07:43:02 AM

Honestly, do you have to ask why Chicos doesn't want society to help the poor?  He said in the other thread he wants to tax people living below the poverty line.

Which in itself is built upon the absolutely false premise that people living below the poverty line don't pay taxes.
In fact, people in the lower and middle classes typically pay a larger share of their income to taxes than the wealthy.


Quote from: brandx on February 04, 2015, 12:13:41 AM
Not quite. They are WORSE than the anti vaxxers. Trump, Paul, and christie have all stated that vaccines can cause autism. I understand that people want/need something to blame when their child is stricken. But it is unconscionable for public officials to make these kinds of statements. It just encourages more people to refuse vaccination for their children.

Maybe instead of feeding their base, they could spend some time reading what the scientists and researchers have to say on the matter.

I don't know about the others, but you're being absolutely misleading here about Christie. To the best of my knowledge, he's never said vaccines can cause autism. Do you have anything to back up that statement?
the best I can find is a 2009 letter he sent to an anti-vaxxer group stating:
"I have met with families affected by autism from across the state and have been struck by their incredible grace and courage. Many of these families have expressed their concern over New Jersey's highest-in-the nation vaccine mandates. I stand with them now, and will stand with them as their governor in their fight for greater parental involvement in vaccination decisions that affect their children."

Frankly, I think that in itself is idiotic. Vaccines should be mandatory. But nowhere there is a statement that vaccines can cause autism.

It's also worth noting that nothing Christie says there is much different from:

"We've seen just a skyrocketing autism rate. Some people are suspicious that it's connected to the vaccines. This person included. The science right now is inconclusive, but we have to research it." --Barack Obama, April 21, 2008.

"(I am) committed to make investments to find the causes of autism, including possible environmental causes like vaccines. We don't know what, if any, kind of link there is between vaccines and autism - but we should find out." -- Hillary Clinton, 2008

And i probably just veered too far into politics, so apologies for that.


Quote from: ChicosBailBonds on February 04, 2015, 01:34:13 AM
Uhm, no.  A few are, but most are not denying it.  They are asking important questions like, what contribution are humans making.  That is a significant difference.

Furthermore, if we spend billions or trillions or whatever, what impact will it make?  1 degree?  1/2 a degree?  If nothing is done, what are the impacts.

It doesn't help matters when people run around saying the hurricane seasons will be horrible, they have been anything but.  Both poles are going to be gone by now, they aren't and one pole is actually growing.  Water levels will increase by a foot or two, and nothing of the kind has happened.  That doesn't mean any of those things WON'T happen, but the rhetoric and scare mongering has done nothing to add credibility for those folks because the normal guy reads the scary stories, then sees it isn't happening, and no longer believes the boy crying wolf (even if the boy may be right).

You are painting way too broad a brush to "politicians on the right"....some, yes...most believe climate changes.  It always has and always will, whether human beings are here or not.

If what you say is true then the "normal guy" is an idiot.  The questions they are asking have been answered as well.  There are clear and demonstrable changes in ocean temperatures (the oceans to this point have absorbed most of the global warming; that won't last forever) and clear evidence that it is largely, if not entirely, caused by human activity:

  • The global sea level has risen 6.7 inches in the last century, and the rate has increased markedly in the last decade
  • since 1880 the twenty warmest years on record have occurred since 1981, and the 10 warmest have occurred in the last 12 years
  • virtually all of the people who, you know, have scientific training and actually study this stuff agree that human activity is a major factor in climate change, including a huge increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide levels
  • extreme weather events are in fact getting worse and more frequent.  It's not just hurricanes, but the totality of global climate: extreme rainfall, droughts, etc

Climate change denial is the same damn thing as the anti-vaxxer nonsense: a willingness to trust one's gut over actual scientific research.  It relies on a mix of paranoia, cynicism, and smug know-nothingism, and it is an inflamed boil on the ass of the body politic.


Quote from: cj111 on February 04, 2015, 11:41:25 AM
Climate change denial is the same damn thing as the anti-vaxxer nonsense: a willingness to trust one's gut over actual scientific research.  It relies on a mix of paranoia, cynicism, and smug know-nothingism, and it is an inflamed boil on the ass of the body politic.

Are children's lives put in potentially immediate danger by those who disregard climate change? If not, please don't call them "the same damn thing."


Quote from: MerrittsMustache on February 04, 2015, 11:47:25 AM
Are children's lives put in potentially immediate danger by those who disregard climate change? If not, please don't call them "the same damn thing."

Guess it depends on your definition of immediate   :P


Quote from: MerrittsMustache on February 04, 2015, 11:47:25 AM
Are children's lives put in potentially immediate danger by those who disregard climate change? If not, please don't call them "the same damn thing."


Perhaps less immediate than the threat of the measles, but I would argue more severe. Before vaccines, the measles were a terrible scourge on humanity but it still only infected a minority of people. Climate change will impact 100% of the human population.


Quote from: Bleuteaux on February 04, 2015, 11:54:20 AM

Perhaps less immediate than the threat of the measles, but I would argue more severe. Before vaccines, the measles were a terrible scourge on humanity but it still only infected a minority of people. Climate change will impact 100% of the human population.

And is a problem that will take longer to correct. 


Who knew there were so many tree-huggers around here?

Carry on.

Benny B

Climate change and anti-vaxx are not the same thing, people.  You think Jenny McCarthy doesn't use aerosol hairspray.

Quote from: LittleMurs on January 08, 2015, 07:10:33 PM
Wow, I'm very concerned for Benny.  Being able to mimic Myron Medcalf's writing so closely implies an oncoming case of dementia.


Quote from: MerrittsMustache on February 04, 2015, 12:00:10 PM
Who knew there were so many tree-huggers around here?

Carry on.

Well I am not really a tree hugger.  I mean, I like trees and all, but I am not someone who is anti-development and "sprawl."  I just don't like when smart people deny all the evidence to suggest something is occurring, and simply say it isn't.  That doesn't mean I necessarily support everything they are suggesting to prevent or mitigate it from happening.

But climate change has been shown repeatedly to be true.  To deny it simply makes people look dumb.  And I hate when generally smart people act ignorant.


Interesting take on how public health policy is shaping the 2016 Republican candidate pool.

Death on call


Quote from: MerrittsMustache on February 04, 2015, 11:47:25 AM
Are children's lives put in potentially immediate danger by those who disregard climate change? If not, please don't call them "the same damn thing."

Yeah, since tens of thousands of people are killed worldwide every year by severe weather events and the devastation that follows (disease, famine, etc.), I would say that children's lives are put in danger by an increasing number of severe weather events.


Quote from: cj111 on February 04, 2015, 01:34:49 PM
Yeah, since tens of thousands of people are killed worldwide every year by severe weather events and the devastation that follows (disease, famine, etc.), I would say that children's lives are put in danger by an increasing number of severe weather events.

A bit of a stretch but that's fine. You've made your point. I'm not denying climate change but I guess I don't feel as strongly about its effects as others on here.


Quote from: Dr. Blackheart on February 03, 2015, 10:47:16 PM

The biggest offenders are the educated Fruitcakes of Orange County.

Many educated people in Orange County, not many Fruitcakes in Orange County....the rest of the state....that's another story. 

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