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In any democratic country, Its harder to enforce and justify any law that is not published and on the books...and harder still to get the citizenry to accept enforcements without them eagerly debating the fairness, of an action taken on an unwritten rule--wouldn't you agree?

I have read and searched throughout the site...something is missing, ...

there is nothing on mods remedies, including deleting postings, locks, and on warnings/bans:

If mods wish to delete postings or content at their sole discretion...just add such a term to the rules.

"At our sole discretion, we may delete a posting, or  lock out a thread"

Also, to avoid having to debate/defend bans...put it in the rules...

"Any offense or violation of the above rules, over and above deletion of the posting, or a thread lock, include, and also may be subject to one to three warnings in either mods responsive postings, or by PM to the offender, followed by bans (you can grade the ban levels, or number of instances allowed), including that repeated infractions, after these warnings and shorter bans, may lead to a permanent ban from posting on this site".

The benefits are obvious.
If the above is actually set out in your rules...then posters will more likely back you up, with a simple: "read it, he had it coming as  it was clearly laid out-- right in the rules"

...this eliminates the near surface attacks/defenses of personal subjectivity, by mods.

I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.


Re-posted on another thread

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