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Author Topic: Wade and Heat  (Read 35098 times)


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Re: Wade and Heat
« Reply #125 on: May 19, 2011, 02:15:45 PM »
1.Never make a smart career decision because you might piss off some fans in Cleveland and jealous Bulls fans
I've disliked Lebron well before he left Cleveland.  It has nothing to do with him not going to the Bulls.  I wanted Wade and not Lebron to go to the Bulls because I don't like Lebron even though he is the better player.

2.You can only celebrate if you have won a title. Lebron you cant celebrate after a big bucket but Luke Walton can feel free to do it whenever he wants cause he earned it.  O yea Dickie Simpkins earned it as well so dance Dickie Dance!!!!!  Patrick Ewing, John Stockton, Karl Malone, Reggie Miller: I better not see as much as a fist pump out of you losers!!!
How many of them held a championship party before the season started? 

3.You can never do a United Way, NBA Charities, Make a donation, or make any public appereances unless of course it only comes from the heart and not for any publicity.   Dont even think about giving two million to children because you are obviously only doing it cause your a self centered prima donna who wants spotlight
You honestly think the desision was for the kids?  Wow.

4. If you are a star player you have to stay with your team....Or go to the Bulls
Again, this has nothing to do with Lebron not going to the Bulls.

When did the Heat throw a "championship party"   
They threw a welcome Lebron rally. 
The Heat will 4 titles before all is said and down.  They won win won this year though.  But if the Bulls dont beat them this year they will not beat them for years to come.


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Re: Wade and Heat
« Reply #126 on: May 19, 2011, 02:18:09 PM »
Anybody have still frame of buzz? Hope it's not like costanza on tv during tennis match!

No still frame, but I saw it. Kind of a "nothing to see here" moment. He was standing in the background, turned away from the camera munching on an ice cream cone and talking with some guy.


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Re: Wade and Heat
« Reply #127 on: May 19, 2011, 02:30:06 PM »
I'm just amazed this even makes the news in any way, shape or form.  Thought the part about the ice cream was an added touch of Are You Kidding Me?  Glad no one followed him to the bathroom for more details

No frame, but here is the video.  Thanks Ruby.


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Re: Wade and Heat
« Reply #128 on: May 19, 2011, 02:56:17 PM »
This will feel like the late 70's as a Brewer fan.  I have never suffered so much as watching the Yankees win all the time.  It would be nice if team BronBron never won, but, eh.


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Re: Wade and Heat
« Reply #129 on: May 19, 2011, 03:00:07 PM »
If Lebron was a Bull, I would cheer for him, but I would still have all of my complaints about him.

I cheer for Boozer but I can't stand his antics on the court.

I thought about this for a second, but then I realized that I absolutely love the Cubs but severely dislike Soriano.  I cheer and get amped when he hits a homer, but I still am not a huge fan.  I feel Lebron would be the same way if he played for "my team".

In other news, I'm beginning to thinking KenoshaWarrior may actually be Gloria James.

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Re: Wade and Heat
« Reply #130 on: May 19, 2011, 03:01:00 PM »
Then why do they even play bibby? He is clearly does more harm than good out there.

For the life of me, I have no idea.  I was a little ticked when he hit a three early because I knew 3-4 more attempts would be coming.  And yes I realize they need scoring from other sources on the perimeter, but that is why they have guys like James Jones and Mike Miller; I would even prefer Chalmers to get some of Bibby's minutes. (Although he was craptastic last night.)
- Mike Hunt


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Re: Wade and Heat
« Reply #131 on: May 19, 2011, 03:20:15 PM »
No frame, but here is the video.  Thanks Ruby.

He purposely prostituted himself to be behind the camera and get maximum exposure for himself.

Buzz Cam

« Last Edit: May 19, 2011, 03:22:13 PM by ChicosBailBonds »


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Re: Wade and Heat
« Reply #132 on: May 19, 2011, 03:21:03 PM »
This will feel like the late 70's as a Brewer fan.  I have never suffered so much as watching the Yankees win all the time.  It would be nice if team BronBron never won, but, eh.

As long as Dwade is one of the dynamic duo of that team, as MU fans I fail to see the downside AT ALL


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Re: Wade and Heat
« Reply #133 on: May 19, 2011, 03:25:30 PM »
I thought about this for a second, but then I realized that I absolutely love the Cubs but severely dislike Soriano.  I cheer and get amped when he hits a homer, but I still am not a huge fan.  I feel Lebron would be the same way if he played for "my team".

In other news, I'm beginning to thinking KenoshaWarrior may actually be Gloria James.

Baseball seems a bit different to me.  25 guys on a roster...40 late in the year.  162 games, plenty of times to make mistakes as the goat or be a hero later.  There are guys on the Angels that I would eject in a nanosecond because they're tools and they suck...Fernando Rodney with his stupid cocked hat and ridiculous pitching performances.

In basketball, with only 5 guys on the court and really only 8 or 9 playing, the focus on the individual is much greater.  It's easy to hate a guy or several guys on an NFL team or MLB team without much overall effect on the perception of the team.  Pretty hard to do that in hoops because one guy can be so instrumental to the team's success.


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Re: Wade and Heat
« Reply #134 on: May 19, 2011, 03:29:11 PM »
1. I thought one of the things you hated about the NBA was that some teams can routinely stockpile All Star players. 2. You say he joined forces with players nearly his equal. Player, yes. Players, not even close.

1)  Go back and read exactly what I said on that subject of stockpiling

2)   Players?  Please elaborate.  At the end of the day they added two all-stars.  One is a great player (arguably the best in the league, though he finished 5th in the MVP voting...snicker snicker) and the other is an All-Star but Bosch is not the same category.

Are you suggesting that other teams have not been able to add PLAYERS in the past but only a player?  I'd like clarification of what you mean before I respond.


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Re: Wade and Heat
« Reply #135 on: May 19, 2011, 03:33:41 PM »
There are much younger men in the NBA who handle themselves like adults.  Lebron has been in the league 8 years.  When will he finally grow up?

I don't dislike the Heat.  They are my second favorite team.  What I dislike is Lebron James. 

I find him to be more mature than most players in the NBA.  He also has every camera, every news media outlet covering his every breath, fart, piss, etc looking to report a screwup or waft of odor from a burp.

I guess I don't find it entirely out of character that a guy who has been deemed a demi God by people since he was 9 years old, showered with praise, gifts, etc doesn't have it 100% together.  That being said, he has it more together than a lot of guys in the NBA that have much less pressures than James does. 


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Re: Wade and Heat
« Reply #136 on: May 19, 2011, 03:56:48 PM »
I thought about this for a second, but then I realized that I absolutely love the Cubs but severely dislike Soriano.  I cheer and get amped when he hits a homer, but I still am not a huge fan.  I feel Lebron would be the same way if he played for "my team".

In other news, I'm beginning to thinking KenoshaWarrior may actually be Gloria James.

Nope just a Lebron defender.   

I find it hysterical that no body bashed Ray Allen, Paul Pierce, or Kevin Garnett getting together.  But when Lebron, Wade, and Bosh do the same thing than it's "He doesnt want to be the man"   
"He turned his back on Cleveland"   "Lebron is a glory hog"


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Re: Wade and Heat
« Reply #137 on: May 19, 2011, 04:13:04 PM »
Nope just a Lebron defender.   

I find it hysterical that no body bashed Ray Allen, Paul Pierce, or Kevin Garnett getting together.  But when Lebron, Wade, and Bosh do the same thing than it's "He doesnt want to be the man"   
"He turned his back on Cleveland"   "Lebron is a glory hog"

Hmmm ... I was under the impression that Ray Allen and Kevin Garnett were traded to Boston rather than holding an elaborate hourlong television special to announce their "Decision" to go there.
Thanks for setting the record straight.


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Re: Wade and Heat
« Reply #138 on: May 19, 2011, 04:14:37 PM »
Like D Wade?

Nah...a lot of good from Illinois, lots of good peeps, too.  I was thinking more like B.O., Rahm, orange cones, Governors, Oprah, etc

This book of 303 reasons might be more thorough, but dated due to it's 1997 publication.

For completeness, I'd say the list here in California is probably 3X bigger


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Re: Wade and Heat
« Reply #139 on: May 19, 2011, 04:21:57 PM »
For completeness, I'd say the list here in California is probably 3X bigger

I was going to say ... you're in no position to mock anyone else's governors.


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Re: Wade and Heat
« Reply #140 on: May 19, 2011, 04:33:29 PM »
As long as Dwade is one of the dynamic duo of that team, as MU fans I fail to see the downside AT ALL

Because it won't be about Wade.  It will be a coronation of Lebron as God's Gift to basketball.  It took Lebron shrinking away at the end of the season while Wade would go into beast mode for people to realize that while Lebron may be the best player in the league, Wade is the leader of this team.  But now that Lebron is playing better, thats changing again, back to adulation.

I find him to be more mature than most players in the NBA.  He also has every camera, every news media outlet covering his every breath, fart, piss, etc looking to report a screwup or waft of odor from a burp.

I guess I don't find it entirely out of character that a guy who has been deemed a demi God by people since he was 9 years old, showered with praise, gifts, etc doesn't have it 100% together.  That being said, he has it more together than a lot of guys in the NBA that have much less pressures than James does. 

I went to college in Ohio during the Lebron fever's peak and all I heard was how humble he was, what an amazing guy, not cocky, etc...  From fans, from the media, it was Tebow-esque.  I personally always thought he was a cocky jackass.  And while being compared to douchebags like Arenas or Stephen Jackson may end up in Lebron's favor, I feel he doesn't register in the upper echelon of likable athletes when the media isn't stuffing that perception down our throats.  I mean, he was a complete hypocrite his entire time in Cleveland.  It was "his city", he always loved the people and the Cavs, yet growing up he was a Knicks, Yankees, and Cowboys fan.  If he had just projected himself as a mercenary who wanted to win, like he was, I think everything would have been easier to deal with.


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Re: Wade and Heat
« Reply #141 on: May 19, 2011, 04:43:00 PM »
Nope just a Lebron defender.   

I find it hysterical that no body bashed Ray Allen, Paul Pierce, or Kevin Garnett getting together.  But when Lebron, Wade, and Bosh do the same thing than it's "He doesnt want to be the man"   
"He turned his back on Cleveland"   "Lebron is a glory hog"

Exactly....this is why I want to understand what Lenny means when he seems to imply multiple players doing this is unheard of....or "not even close" to use his verbiage.  Maybe I'm misreading his statement, but players have done this all the time and typically do it for the same teams but largely at the end of their career.  The old "rent a player for a ring" concept when said star decides money doesn't mean as much and wants the brass prize. The difference with Lebron is that he did this during the peak of his career and not at the end...I find that rather refreshing.  He gave up a lot of the "I'm the man" attitude that so many NBA players have and is willing to share the limelight.

I feel bad for Cleveland, my family is from there and they were very bummed as the city has been on the short end of the stick for decades on the sports front.


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Re: Wade and Heat
« Reply #142 on: May 19, 2011, 05:10:57 PM »
Rules of the NBA according to tall-titan
1.Never make a smart career decision because you might piss off some fans in Cleveland and jealous Bulls fans

2.You can only celebrate if you have won a title.  
Lebron you cant celebrate after a big bucket but Luke Walton can feel free to do it whenever he wants cause he earned it.  O yea Dickie Simpkins earned it as well so dance Dickie Dance!!!!!  Patrick Ewing, John Stockton, Karl Malone, Reggie Miller: I better not see as much as a fist pump out of you losers!!!

3.You can never do a United Way, NBA Charities, Make a donation, or make any public appereances unless of course it only comes from the heart and not for any publicity.   Dont even think about giving two million to children because you are obviously only doing it cause your a self centered prima donna who wants spotlight

4. If you are a star player you have to stay with your team....Or go to the Bulls

Wow you are pretty ridiculous with this crap.  Also the KG, Allen, Pierce situation was completely different.  The 3 of them didn't sign as free agents together.  Apples and oranges.


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Re: Wade and Heat
« Reply #143 on: May 20, 2011, 12:15:24 AM »
Because it won't be about Wade.  It will be a coronation of Lebron as God's Gift to basketball.  It took Lebron shrinking away at the end of the season while Wade would go into beast mode for people to realize that while Lebron may be the best player in the league, Wade is the leader of this team.  But now that Lebron is playing better, thats changing again, back to adulation.

Disagree.  At least out here on the west coast, Dwade gets every bit the billing on the Heat that James does.


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Re: Wade and Heat
« Reply #144 on: May 20, 2011, 12:16:42 AM »
Wow you are pretty ridiculous with this crap.  Also the KG, Allen, Pierce situation was completely different.  The 3 of them didn't sign as free agents together.  Apples and oranges.

What does the timing of them signing together have to do with anything?  It's ok to stack talent as long as it's year after year after year, but not ok if 2 guys do it in the same year?  Huh?


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Re: Wade and Heat
« Reply #145 on: May 20, 2011, 12:17:55 AM »
I was going to say ... you're in no position to mock anyone else's governors.

Ours are just complete dicks....yours generally are just prisoners in waiting


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Re: Wade and Heat
« Reply #146 on: May 20, 2011, 09:03:11 AM »
"...most of the people you hate??"

Jeez, I can probably count the number of people I "hate" on one hand.  I that is generally set aside for terrorist masterminds or the like. 

Well la di da.  You should be the saint of south wayne.  There aren't any athletes you would say you hate?  Cmon. 


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Re: Wade and Heat
« Reply #147 on: May 20, 2011, 09:05:43 AM »
What does the timing of them signing together have to do with anything?  It's ok to stack talent as long as it's year after year after year, but not ok if 2 guys do it in the same year?  Huh?

No its not the timing, its the circumstance.  They weren't free agents that all conspired to sign together in one place.  Allen and KG were trades.  Not free agent signings.  And they did all arrive the same year ( not pierce, he has been with boston quite a while), just so you know.

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Re: Wade and Heat
« Reply #148 on: May 20, 2011, 09:11:45 AM »
Exactly....this is why I want to understand what Lenny means when he seems to imply multiple players doing this is unheard of....or "not even close" to use his verbiage.  Maybe I'm misreading his statement, but players have done this all the time and typically do it for the same teams but largely at the end of their career. 

No big deal, but you are misreading my statement. Previously you stated that Lebron had "joined forces with PLAYERS nearly his equal". I was merely pointing out that only one player (Wade) fits the description of being nearly his equal. Bosh isn't even close IMO.


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Re: Wade and Heat
« Reply #149 on: May 20, 2011, 09:34:31 AM »
Well la di da.  You should be the saint of south wayne.  There aren't any athletes you would say you hate?  Cmon. 

No....can't think of one.  Why would I "hate" an athlete?

