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Date/Time: Oct 5, 2024 11:00am
Schedule for 2023-24

Author Topic: A topic generates enormous response here -- so mu_hilltopper shuts it down???  (Read 8081 times)

Lennys Tap

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Quite possibly the most idiotic post I have ever read on this board. 

Thanks for your well thought out and articulate reply.


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FWIW, I agree with Lennys Tap's first post.


  • All American
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Can there be another area?  We have Hangin', Superbar, Trading, and Prediction.  How about Beating a Dead Horse, or just Dead Horse for short? 

Regardless, thank you again for running the board.  We're all free to browse it and ignore it as we wish and whatever you guys want to delete is fine with me - as long as it's not this po...
I'm like a turtle, sometimes I get run over by a semi.


  • All American
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  • Posts: 2696
FWIW, I agree with Lennys Tap's first post.

All good, but IMHO you can blame the following before political correctness:

~Army Maj. Nidal M. Hasan himself
~How the Army treats those with mental health issues
~government bureaucracy

But I will stop there, I enjoy the no politics policy of the Scoop, and do not wish to start another pissing match.

Hards Alumni

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right, sure you weren't reinko... but if thats the case, you'd have dropped it... but you didn't.

It couldn't have been that the Army has had to lower standards and lower expectations because recruiting is in the toilet... The military is letting felons, gang members, and members of hate groups... So now, lets kick them all out and reduce our military by another 1/5th or so.

This wasn't about PC.  It was about trying to keep a doctor... ANY doctor in the military, despite the fact he was mentally unstable.

Lennys Tap

  • All American
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right, sure you weren't reinko... but if thats the case, you'd have dropped it... but you didn't.

It couldn't have been that the Army has had to lower standards and lower expectations because recruiting is in the toilet... The military is letting felons, gang members, and members of hate groups... So now, lets kick them all out and reduce our military by another 1/5th or so.

This wasn't about PC.  It was about trying to keep a doctor... ANY doctor in the military, despite the fact he was mentally unstable.

I agree that jihadist = mentally unstable - at least in my world.  But to suggest that the US Army has to decided to protect the jihadist doctors in their midst because of shortages seems odd, cynical, and counterproductive to say the least. Looks more like a case of noone wanting to be the whistleblower who risks his career in today's PC military.

Hards Alumni

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I agree that jihadist = mentally unstable - at least in my world.  But to suggest that the US Army has to decided to protect the jihadist doctors in their midst because of shortages seems odd, cynical, and counterproductive to say the least. Looks more like a case of noone wanting to be the whistleblower who risks his career in today's PC military.

It may seem odd, but it is true.  If you rounded up all the crazys in the military you'd remove a good bunch of the fighting force.

One of the guys I know who is in the military says its true so I believe him.

It looks like a case of no one wanting to be the whistleblower because that is what you heard on TV, and are now repeating.

Lennys Tap

  • All American
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  • Posts: 12407
All good, but IMHO you can blame the following before political correctness:

~Army Maj. Nidal M. Hasan himself
~How the Army treats those with mental health issues
~government bureaucracy

But I will stop there, I enjoy the no politics policy of the Scoop, and do not wish to start another pissing match.

Never said Maj. Hasan wasn't responsible - only that a PC environment discouraged his detainment before he fulfilled his "mission". The handwriting was certainly on the wall for anyone who cared to notice.

Lennys Tap

  • All American
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  • Posts: 12407
It may seem odd, but it is true.  If you rounded up all the crazys in the military you'd remove a good bunch of the fighting force.

One of the guys I know who is in the military says its true so I believe him.

It looks like a case of no one wanting to be the whistleblower because that is what you heard on TV, and are now repeating.

No offense, but I too know "guys in the army", but none have even remotely suggested that the military protects jihadist doctors because of shortages. That's beyond strange. It's insane.

It looks like a case of noone wanting to be the whistleblower because that is what happened time after time with this guy, not because of anything I saw on tv.


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Once a warrior always a warrior.. even if the feathers must now come with a beak.