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1. Total Game Points: 120 (122; Dukejet)
2. MU points: 69 (73; Dukejet)
3. Savannah St. points: 51 (51; chicos, rocky_warrior)
4. TO's forced by MU: 14 (19; Classof2016)
5. TO's forced by SS: 16 (16; SqueallyDRyan, rocky_warrior)
6. MU total made 3's: 5 (5; ben8787, Mayor McCheese)
7. MU total newcomer points: 2 (13; ecompt)
8. MU total (non-team) rebounds: 34 (34; ZiggysFryBoy, TVDirector)
9. MU top scorer and how many: James, Matthews 22 (21; Classof2016, SoCalwarrior)
10. MU top assist man and how many: James 6 (6; herboturbo, Mayor McCheese, ecompt, Lastwarrior, TVDirector, DoubleMU0609)
11. MU top rebounder and how many: Matthews 9 (7; ecompt)
12. Savannah's top scorer and how many: Flegler 15 (9; Spiral97)
13. MU top 3-point shooter and how many: James, Matthews 2 (James 3; ecompt. Matthews 3; rocky_warrior)
14. MU steals leader and how many: James 2 (4; Classof2016)
15. Combined McNeal, Matthews, James points: 50 (50; Classof2016)

Bonus (must be exact) 2 Point    7 (7; Classof2016)

1. Predict Hayward's combined points, rebounds, assists and steals.

Game Totals

Classof2016            5
ecompt                  4
rocky_warrior         3
Dukejet                  2
SqueallyDRyan        2
MayorMcCheese       2
TVDirector              2
chicos                    1
ben8787                 1
ZiggysFryBoy          1
SoCalwarrior           1
herboturbo              1
LastWarrior             1
DoubleMU0609         1
Spiral97                  1


Crap.  I was so excited to go to the Savannah State game, I forgot to enter my picks.

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