

Stud of Georgetown Game

Chase Ross

27 points, 3 rebounds,
2 assists, 6 steals,
1 block, 36 minutes

2024-25 Season SoG Tally
Jones, K.6

'23-24 '22-23
'21-22 * '20-21 * '19-20
'18-19 * '17-18 * '16-17
'15-16 * '14-15 * '13-14
'12-13 * '11-12 * '10-11

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Next up:  Xavier

Marquette vs
Date/Time: Jan 18, 2025 1:00pm
TV: Fox
Schedule for 2024-25


I'm thinking about making a road trip from DC to watch Marquette play against West Virginia. Has anyone on this board been there before?

If so do you have any advice on the area and the seating in the arena? Ticket are still available for the game, but I can't get the online ticket order form on the WVU website to display where they are (there are also plenty of tickets on a number of ticket websites).

I would ask on one of the WVU message boards, but they seem pretty preoccupied at the moment with their football coach leaving for Michigan.

Also if anyone else on this board is headed out for this game, let me know!



If you are between the ages of 21 and 30 the town is one non-stop party with giant bars, hot co-eds, and a lot of other crazy crap!!!

The arena is pretty old and crappy but their really isnt a bad seat in the house as it is just a large round shaped arena with no corners.

You got to go!!!!


We're looking into doing a bus trip out for the game from DC.  I'll post details when it's all arranged.


awesome, but when do you expect to be letting everyone in the DC chapter know?

also when would the bus leave? Sunday or Saturday?

Personally I would rather make a weekend of it and leave Saturday so I can experience what the town has to offer. If the bus is leaving Sunday I would probably plan to go on my own rather than with the DC chapter.

Please let the folks in the DC chapter know as soon as possible, with the holidays coming up there isn't much time to plan for this, so the sooner we all know the better.


OK, here's the bus information.  If you have questions, please contact Mollie. (see below)  They currently have a 30-person bus, but if interest warrants, they can get a 57-person.  There will be a registration website up in the next couple days, but if you want to reserve your spot now, just contact Mollie.


Join the Marquette Club of Washington, D.C. as We Travel to Morgantown , WV to watch the
Golden Eagles Take on the Mountaineers!

Marquette vs. West Virginia
Sunday, January 6, 2008

Get out your blue and gold because Marquette is going on a road trip!  Join Marquette fans, friends and family to cheer on the Golden Eagles.  We will meet at the East Falls Church metro, and then you can sit back, relax, and enjoy the trip. 

Tickets are limited, so get them now because they are going fast!

The price of the ticket is $60, which includes the price of the game and the bus.

9:00am Departure
East Falls Church Metro Parking Lot
  2001 N. Sycamore St. , Arlington , VA 22205

The bus will start loading at the East Falls Church Metro at 8:45am and leave at 9:00am.
Returning to East Falls Church Metro around 8:30pm

2 p.m. Game Time
WVU Coliseum
Morgantown, WV

Food and drink (including adult beverages) are allowed on the bus, but no glass containers please.   
We will stop for lunch along the way and we can stop for a short dinner upon request.

For questions or special needs, please contact event coordinator Mollie Bednarowski, Engineering '05, at


The bus will be going up Sunday morning and making a full day of it.  Unfortunately, given our time frame we just don't have the capabilities to plan a weekend trip at this point.  The official email should be out on Friday from Marquette with a sign-up so you can register online!   


If we win, will you help burn a couch for us?


I mentioned this trip to my wife, and she said. "Don't order tickets. We're already going." As part of my Christmas present she got us two tickets to WVU. Hopefully I'll see some of the DC contingent there. I'll ber wearing my MU hockey jersey.

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