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Author Topic: Dan Needles on ESPN 540 Today: If Jeronne Maymon ever makes the NBA...  (Read 14101 times)


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Re: Dan Needles on ESPN 540 Today: If Jeronne Maymon ever makes the NBA...
« Reply #25 on: December 15, 2009, 02:16:47 PM »
If (calling him fat is not calling him out, btw).

Birkie, In the military we are expected to maintain mandated weight, fitness and grooming standards. We give everyone 90 minutes each day to work out and there are numerous mechanisms available to help an airman get back on glide slope if he is outside tolerance. I have, in a previous role, pulled more than one guy aside and told them to lose the lard. First conversation is always pleasant but direct. Second meeting, same subject? I tell fatboy to get with the program or else. It is a one-way conversation and it is not pleasant.   


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Re: Dan Needles on ESPN 540 Today: If Jeronne Maymon ever makes the NBA...
« Reply #26 on: December 15, 2009, 02:23:47 PM »
Rushing to judgment and juvenile name calling regarding a situation that has yet to completely play out = unprofessional, to me at least.  Whether it's truly his opinion or he's just trying to get a rise it's garbage.

Jam Chowder

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Re: Dan Needles on ESPN 540 Today: If Jeronne Maymon ever makes the NBA...
« Reply #27 on: December 15, 2009, 02:27:32 PM »
Birkie, In the military we are expected to maintain mandated weight, fitness and grooming standards. We give everyone 90 minutes each day to work out and there are numerous mechanisms available to help an airman get back on glide slope if he is outside tolerance. I have, in a previous role, pulled more than one guy aside and told them to lose the lard. First conversation is always pleasant but direct. Second meeting, same subject? I tell fatboy to get with the program or else. It is a one-way conversation and it is not pleasant.   

I'm not sure the situations are necessarily comparable, but I'll give it to you anyway.

I think the problem with this is that, by the accounts of the coaching staff, Jmay was working his rear end off in practice. It doesn't seem to me like he was sitting around eating bon-bons and being irresponsible about his workouts. Buzz himself touted his effort.


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Re: Dan Needles on ESPN 540 Today: If Jeronne Maymon ever makes the NBA...
« Reply #28 on: December 15, 2009, 02:44:30 PM »
No, a man that uses his position of relative power to rip on the character and weight of a 19 year-old student the way that he did is unprofessional, and he absolutely should be called out for it. He is publicly defaming the image of a young student-athlete, one who was not there to defend himself.

1. I didn't say that negativity is off-limits. Just fat jokes and character attacks. That's not journalism. If you think it is, you need a conscience.

2. Translated: "He's an adult and should suck it up." I wonder if that's how you'd feel if it were you or your family member being torn up on the radio by a senseless talk show host without an opportunity to respond.

I agree it was unprofessional with how he said it, but it was pretty accurate assessment. I even said Needles should have pointed out what he is good at for a more accurate assessment. It's sports radio and of course they are over the top. That said, I should've separated the d-list and journalism. My apologies.

And the ironic thing is I've been through a situation where my father was highly criticized by message boards. Any time you or a family member is a public figure, you deal with it. And yes, I consider someone under a scholarship that's worth $120,000 at a top basketball program a public figure. 

Jam Chowder

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Re: Dan Needles on ESPN 540 Today: If Jeronne Maymon ever makes the NBA...
« Reply #29 on: December 15, 2009, 02:55:04 PM »
And the ironic thing is I've been through a situation where my father was highly criticized by message boards. Any time you or a family member is a public figure, you deal with it. And yes, I consider someone under a scholarship that's worth $120,000 at a top basketball program a public figure. 

Sorry to hear that. It is a reality, you're right. My point is that just because it is a reality, it isn't necessarily justifiable or moral.

Canned Goods n Ammo

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Re: Dan Needles on ESPN 540 Today: If Jeronne Maymon ever makes the NBA...
« Reply #30 on: December 15, 2009, 02:58:29 PM »
I consider someone under a scholarship that's worth $120,000 at a top basketball program a public figure. 


I know where you are coming from... but I just can't get there. These are amateur athletes. They are 1 level above high school players.

I know we all see the glamor that comes with big time college hoops, but realistically these guys are just like any other player on scholarship at every other NCAA school.

I'm not saying they are above criticism, but it would be nice if people would cut them some slack.


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Re: Dan Needles on ESPN 540 Today: If Jeronne Maymon ever makes the NBA...
« Reply #31 on: December 15, 2009, 02:58:45 PM »
It's Needles. It's 540. Needles epitomizes amateur-hour. Not quite as much as Homer's show, but close.  

+6 million.

And Maymon is neither fat nor overweight.


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Re: Dan Needles on ESPN 540 Today: If Jeronne Maymon ever makes the NBA...
« Reply #32 on: December 15, 2009, 04:32:28 PM »
1. You hit it right on the head. If he did, calling him out is appropriate (calling him fat is not calling him out, btw). If something else happened, and Jmay had a legitimate reason (not saying I know what that might be, but it is possible) for leaving, then you, Needles, and everyone else has a nice helping of crow to eat. Again, this highlights why self-control would not be a bad thing until the truth surfaces.

2. Does it really? What about living in the public eye legitimizes personal attacks like that? Just because it happens doesn't mean it is morally defensible.

3. So I'm ignorant for offering an opinion? I would hope that I don't need to explain why this argument is self defeating, but because you actually said it, I will. To translate this comment:

  • Me: Needles opinion is irresponsible
  • You: Your opinion is irresponsible

GOOD ONE. Ad hominem arguments are not legitimate refutations.

4. Yes. That doesn't mean I condone inappropriate comments any more than standing on a beach makes me a palm tree.

5. Agreed, but since you already admitted you don't know that he did, it's ignorant and irresponsible to peg him for it and attack him because of it.

6. Get an argument.

Oh God.  Is this my nemesis OTown Badger from the jsonline forum?   

Jam Chowder

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Re: Dan Needles on ESPN 540 Today: If Jeronne Maymon ever makes the NBA...
« Reply #33 on: December 15, 2009, 05:22:16 PM »
Oh God.  Is this my nemesis OTown Badger from the jsonline forum?   

Nope. different nemesis. ;D


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Re: Dan Needles on ESPN 540 Today: If Jeronne Maymon ever makes the NBA...
« Reply #34 on: December 15, 2009, 06:31:59 PM »
the snake finds refuge
amongst the scattered debris
know your enemy


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Re: Dan Needles on ESPN 540 Today: If Jeronne Maymon ever makes the NBA...
« Reply #35 on: December 15, 2009, 09:09:05 PM »
Birkie, In the military we are expected to maintain mandated weight, fitness and grooming standards. We give everyone 90 minutes each day to work out and there are numerous mechanisms available to help an airman get back on glide slope if he is outside tolerance. I have, in a previous role, pulled more than one guy aside and told them to lose the lard. First conversation is always pleasant but direct. Second meeting, same subject? I tell fatboy to get with the program or else. It is a one-way conversation and it is not pleasant.   

Please translate what you said in the form of a haiku so I can understand.  Thanks. 

Avenue Commons

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Re: Dan Needles on ESPN 540 Today: If Jeronne Maymon ever makes the NBA...
« Reply #36 on: December 15, 2009, 09:33:16 PM »

Needles should be publicly reprimanded a la Imus on this one, and should have to issue an apology. There is nothing, and I cannot emphasize that word enough, acceptable, noble, funny, warranted, etc. about this kind of GARBAGE.

Lighten up, Francis. Imus called a group of African-American girls "nappy-headed hos". This is nothing even remotely close to that. I don't know this Needles character, but while tough, he didn't say anything that bad about the kid. Nor did he say anything really that untrue about him. I'll bet my body fat percentage is the same as Maymon's, and I'm a desk jockey in my 30's.
« Last Edit: December 15, 2009, 09:36:15 PM by Avenue Commons »
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Re: Dan Needles on ESPN 540 Today: If Jeronne Maymon ever makes the NBA...
« Reply #37 on: December 16, 2009, 01:10:09 AM »
Only Sith deal in absolutes.

Star Wars quotes?  That's terrible.


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Re: Dan Needles on ESPN 540 Today: If Jeronne Maymon ever makes the NBA...
« Reply #38 on: December 16, 2009, 03:05:32 AM »
Birkie, In the military we are expected to maintain mandated weight, fitness and grooming standards. We give everyone 90 minutes each day to work out and there are numerous mechanisms available to help an airman get back on glide slope if he is outside tolerance. I have, in a previous role, pulled more than one guy aside and told them to lose the lard. First conversation is always pleasant but direct. Second meeting, same subject? I tell fatboy to get with the program or else. It is a one-way conversation and it is not pleasant.   

I've seen airmen in uniform.  I'm glad you're fighting the good fight but how are those standards working out across the force?  I love the Air Force but there are plenty of fat boys walking around airfields that should have been shown the door a long time ago.  JM is hardly a fat a$$ by anyone's standards including most of the military.

Jam Chowder

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Re: Dan Needles on ESPN 540 Today: If Jeronne Maymon ever makes the NBA...
« Reply #39 on: December 16, 2009, 11:29:10 AM »
Lighten up, Francis. Imus called a group of African-American girls "nappy-headed hos". This is nothing even remotely close to that. I don't know this Needles character, but while tough, he didn't say anything that bad about the kid. Nor did he say anything really that untrue about him. I'll bet my body fat percentage is the same as Maymon's, and I'm a desk jockey in my 30's.

The principle is the same in either case. Personal attacks are not appropriate or ethical discussion as regards collegiate athletes. I would argue that they're not warranted towards most professionals either. It has no informative purpose to hop on the airwaves and make fun of a student athlete, regardless of the reason and/or the loose applicability of the term "student." It has nothing to do with sports and is simply a racket for more listeners at the expense of someone else.

Do I abhor the situation? Yes. Think Jeronne brought it on himself? Absolutely. Think the decision is absolutely selfish, egotistical, self-serving, and impulsive? No doubt. Do I think this decision is driven by a father who wants to ride his son to the NBA at any cost (which won't happen and will ultimately result in the adestruction of his son's life)? You bet. Do I think all of these are legitimate topics of discussion? Yes.

The difference is that none of these entail name-calling, mocking of an individual's bodily makeup, and childish insults, which should not be acceptable on-air behavior, even if it does happen all the time. Responsibility and self-restraint are not bad things.

The Man in Gold

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Re: Dan Needles on ESPN 540 Today: If Jeronne Maymon ever makes the NBA...
« Reply #40 on: December 16, 2009, 11:55:00 AM »
JMay proved him right
while arrogant he may be
Needles stumped "The Schwab"
Captain, We need more sweatervests!  TheManInGold has been blinded by the light (off the technicolor sweatervest)


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Re: Dan Needles on ESPN 540 Today: If Jeronne Maymon ever makes the NBA...
« Reply #41 on: December 16, 2009, 01:00:34 PM »
I've seen airmen in uniform.  I'm glad you're fighting the good fight but how are those standards working out across the force?  I love the Air Force but there are plenty of fat boys walking around airfields that should have been shown the door a long time ago.  JM is hardly a fat a$$ by anyone's standards including most of the military.

corpulent airman
endless stream of chili dogs
unemployment line

Avenue Commons

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Re: Dan Needles on ESPN 540 Today: If Jeronne Maymon ever makes the NBA...
« Reply #42 on: December 16, 2009, 08:31:44 PM »
The principle is the same in either case. Personal attacks are not appropriate or ethical discussion as regards collegiate athletes. I would argue that they're not warranted towards most professionals either. It has no informative purpose to hop on the airwaves and make fun of a student athlete, regardless of the reason and/or the loose applicability of the term "student." It has nothing to do with sports and is simply a racket for more listeners at the expense of someone else.

Do I abhor the situation? Yes. Think Jeronne brought it on himself? Absolutely. Think the decision is absolutely selfish, egotistical, self-serving, and impulsive? No doubt. Do I think this decision is driven by a father who wants to ride his son to the NBA at any cost (which won't happen and will ultimately result in the adestruction of his son's life)? You bet. Do I think all of these are legitimate topics of discussion? Yes.

The difference is that none of these entail name-calling, mocking of an individual's bodily makeup, and childish insults, which should not be acceptable on-air behavior, even if it does happen all the time. Responsibility and self-restraint are not bad things.

You are correct and your thoughts and sentiments are well reasoned. However, you still need to lighten up. He called the kid fat, not a racial slur. The two are not even comparable.
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