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My only issue, from the start, was Rocky was implying that 4ever was stalking MU police outlets and thought he was being clever. His implication is wrong and I wanted him to admit that.

As for my posse, of your posse, I normally speak for myself and I do not always agree with my crew, or them with me. That said, I will provide unsolicited support if I feel that personal jabs cross over the line.


6:04 p.m., subject arguing with a roommate and now the other subject refuses to exit the subject's car, officer spoke with both subjects, 300 block West Baraga Avenue


In Marquette, Mich., annual rapes per capita are nearly double the national average.

That's sure to drive down our alma mater's enrollment among those who think the school is in  Michigan.
"It's not how white men fight." - Tucker Carlson

"Guard against the impostures of pretended patriotism." - George Washington

"In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act." - George Orwell


Meanwhile the 2 incidents that MUPD alerted having occurred around 12 noon yesterday were picked up and reported in today's edition of the Milwaukee Urinal Sentinel, hey?
"Give 'Em Hell, Al"

MU Fan in Connecticut

Quote from: MU82 on March 27, 2022, 11:21:43 AM
In Marquette, Mich., annual rapes per capita are nearly double the national average.

That's sure to drive down our alma mater's enrollment among those who think the school is in  Michigan.

OMG!  Four years and then some, "I saw you on the Weather Channel today."
Ummh, that's not my university.....

Hards Alumni

Quote from: Goose on March 27, 2022, 10:57:05 AM

My only issue, from the start, was Rocky was implying that 4ever was stalking MU police outlets and thought he was being clever. His implication is wrong and I wanted him to admit that.

As for my posse, of your posse, I normally speak for myself and I do not always agree with my crew, or them with me. That said, I will provide unsolicited support if I feel that personal jabs cross over the line.

But 4elder has been posting MU blotter crap for a solid month now.  And frequently off topic in threads.  It's strange behavior.



Not sure what that has to do on why Doc has that information. Actually, I was the first to post on the situation, when I posted about the guy who shot the cop and stole the squad car.


Quote from: Goose on March 27, 2022, 12:33:16 PM
Actually, I was the first to post on the situation, when I posted about the guy who shot the cop and stole the squad car.

Actually, you weren't, Goose.

Doc Dribble was going on and on about this in threads before the one you posted, such as the Catholic Knights building thread from more than a month earlier.

He has continued to do so, both in threads he started on the subject and in random threads on this board, the Covid board and even several basketball threads. It has passed "Crean sucks" as his favorite area of discourse.

It seems very important to him that he push the fear narrative as often as possible, making the Marquette area out to be some kind of war zone.

Of course, you and I know that it's simply a city campus, subject to the same things that happen in cities with other college campuses from NY to LA to Miami to Houston to Chicago to Seattle to everywhere in between. Heck, two cops recently were killed at little Bridgewater College in Virginia. It sucks that there's violence anywhere, let alone near college campuses. Pretending that Marquette is somehow more of a dystopian hellscape than others is neither useful nor intellectually honest.
"It's not how white men fight." - Tucker Carlson

"Guard against the impostures of pretended patriotism." - George Washington

"In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act." - George Orwell


82 and others

I literally cannot believe anyone jumped into this idiotic discussion. I was thinking last night that I had to be in the top 1% of losers on scoop for wasting my time on Saturday night. Seeing others jump in makes me feel I am just in the 10% of losers on here. Thanks for jumping in, you provided me an ego charge and much appreciated.


So the same people who are providing us this great service of alerting us of all the crime in Milwaukee and around MU are the ones who don't want common sense gun laws. Even though these crimes are largely carried out with firearms. And they also don't want to release inmates for non violent, petty drug offenses, so our prisons are overflowing. But their solution is to incarcerate more people.

What's the solution?

Can't touch the fifth amendment, so bad people will continue to do bad things with these weapons. Can't create space in prisons because marijuana is scary. But need to lock up all these criminals.

What do we do?

rocket surgeon

Quote from: WithoutBias on March 27, 2022, 02:05:14 PM
So the same people who are providing us this great service of alerting us of all the crime in Milwaukee and around MU are the ones who don't want common sense gun laws. Even though these crimes are largely carried out with firearms. And they also don't want to release inmates for non violent, petty drug offenses, so our prisons are overflowing. But their solution is to incarcerate more people.

What's the solution?

Can't touch the fifth amendment, so bad people will continue to do bad things with these weapons. Can't create space in prisons because marijuana is scary. But need to lock up all these criminals.

What do we do?

  seriously?  the guns ain't doing anything but sitting there until some evil moron points it at someone and shoots it.  you lefties will either not admit that we have bad people in this world or are too stupid to realize this.  probably both.  building and staffing prisons is a lot cheaper than re-arresting and re-arresting and re-...not to mention the grief and sorrow people are put thru with the trauma day after day after day.  when are the real victims going to get some relief??
felz Houston ate uncle boozie's hands


Quote from: rocket ALM surgeon on March 27, 2022, 02:29:28 PM

  seriously?  the guns ain't doing anything but sitting there until some evil moron points it at someone and shoots it.  you lefties will either not admit that we have bad people in this world or are too stupid to realize this.  probably both.  building and staffing prisons is a lot cheaper than re-arresting and re-arresting and re-...not to mention the grief and sorrow people are put thru with the trauma day after day after day.  when are the real victims going to get some relief??

Lol. In a response that quoted a post that literally said bad people do bad things with firearms, you cry that "lefties will not admit that we have bad people in this world."

One thing I know for certain from you. We most definitely have very stupid people in this world.

The Sultan

Quote from: rocket ALM surgeon on March 27, 2022, 02:29:28 PM

  seriously?  the guns ain't doing anything but sitting there until some evil moron points it at someone and shoots it.  you lefties will either not admit that we have bad people in this world or are too stupid to realize this.  probably both.  building and staffing prisons is a lot cheaper than re-arresting and re-arresting and re-...not to mention the grief and sorrow people are put thru with the trauma day after day after day.  when are the real victims going to get some relief??

Of course there are bad people in the world. But the correlation between stronger gun laws and homicide rates is a strong one in the "western world."  Spare me your crying about victims when there is a proven way to actually make less people victims.
"I am one of those who think the best friend of a nation is he who most faithfully rebukes her for her sins—and he her worst enemy, who, under the specious and popular garb of patriotism, seeks to excuse, palliate, and defend them" - Frederick Douglass


Bad people do bad things, but it matters quite a bit if that bad person does bad things with a steak knife instead a TEC 9.
If you disagree, please let me know about that last time a child died after being hit with a stray knife.



I live in a village of several thousand people and I am in the minority by not owning a firearm. How can this many gun owners go a 100 years without having a firearm related murder?

The Sultan

Quote from: Goose on March 27, 2022, 02:43:06 PM

I live in a village of several thousand people and I am in the minority by not owning a firearm. How can this many gun owners go a 100 years without having a firearm related murder?

Read his post more carefully and see where you made your error in logic.
"I am one of those who think the best friend of a nation is he who most faithfully rebukes her for her sins—and he her worst enemy, who, under the specious and popular garb of patriotism, seeks to excuse, palliate, and defend them" - Frederick Douglass


Quote from: Goose on March 27, 2022, 02:43:06 PM

I live in a village of several thousand people and I am in the minority by not owning a firearm. How can this many gun owners go a 100 years without having a firearm related murder?

Not sure what this has to do with what I wrote, but I'd need to know what town this is before I offer anything approaching an intelligent answer.
The most likely answer is luck.



I was offering a general statement, not directed at your steak knife post. I live in eastern Waukesha county and there has been one murder in village history, which was a grandson that robbed and beat his grandmother to death. I think there might be more than luck involved, but you are free to feel that is the case.


Quote from: Goose on March 27, 2022, 02:53:13 PM

I was offering a general statement, not directed at your steak knife post. I live in eastern Waukesha county and there has been one murder in village history, which was a grandson that robbed and beat his grandmother to death. I think there might be more than luck involved, but you are free to feel that is the case.

Well then, educate me on what makes your burg unique and how that special sauce can be exported to the rest of America.

The Sultan

Quote from: Goose on March 27, 2022, 02:53:13 PM

I was offering a general statement, not directed at your steak knife post. I live in eastern Waukesha county and there has been one murder in village history, which was a grandson that robbed and beat his grandmother to death. I think there might be more than luck involved, but you are free to feel that is the case.

So when you called out Pakuni in the post right above yours, you weren't actually referring to his post?  🤡🤡🤡
"I am one of those who think the best friend of a nation is he who most faithfully rebukes her for her sins—and he her worst enemy, who, under the specious and popular garb of patriotism, seeks to excuse, palliate, and defend them" - Frederick Douglass



I am guessing I live in a community of law abiding citizens. I do not think my burg is unique at all, rather the small percentage of bad people that shoot people are the outlier faction of our country.

Yes, I made a mistake and am a big fxxkin clown. I do not even think big fxxkin clown is strong enough description for the mistake I made.

Uncle Rico

Quote from: rocket ALM surgeon on March 27, 2022, 02:29:28 PM

  seriously?  the guns ain't doing anything but sitting there until some evil moron points it at someone and shoots it.  you lefties will either not admit that we have bad people in this world or are too stupid to realize this.  probably both.  building and staffing prisons is a lot cheaper than re-arresting and re-arresting and re-...not to mention the grief and sorrow people are put thru with the trauma day after day after day.  when are the real victims going to get some relief??

8 of 10

The ellipses returning are a welcome sight.  Not sure what you were saying overall, so the gibberish was outstanding.  Defending guns and criticizing lefties was good work. 
'Cursed is anyone who withholds justice from the foreigner, the fatherless or the widow.' Then all the people shall say, 'Amen!'


Quote from: Goose on March 27, 2022, 03:01:45 PM

I am guessing I live in a community of law abiding citizens. I do not think my burg is unique at all, rather the small percentage of bad people that shoot people are the outlier faction of our country.

This isn't an answer. We all live in communities of largely law-abiding citizens, including communities ravaged by gun violence.
But that's never stopped a guy who learned his wife was leaving him from shooting her dead before killing himself. Or a mentally ill teenager from getting a hold of a gun and shooting someone who bullied him. Or someone gets deep into drugs and decides they need to rob the 7-11 to pay for their habit and, whoops, the clerk got shot.



It is the best answer I have on why we do not have firearm murders in my burg. 100 plus years is a long time to simply have good luck, but you may be right. Also, we agree that almost every community is filled with law abiding folks.



I grew up in a literal Burg with less than 5,000 people, in one of the most conservative counties in the country.

There has been 4 gun-related deaths since 2000, the year I entered high school. Two accidental, two murders.

Guess those four people just didn't have the same luck.

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