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ATL MU Warrior

Quote from: Lennys Tap on February 14, 2022, 06:43:56 AM
Because waiting to see if a vaccine is proven safe for small children (who are at very low risk of getting very sick anyway) rather than "volunteering" them and hoping they'll be safe is the same as watching your child suffer and die untreated.

Your post is despicable, disgusting  and total BS.
Are the children in Tower's scenario not also being "volunteered"?  Seems equally despicable to me.


Quote from: Lennys Tap on February 14, 2022, 06:43:56 AM
Because waiting to see if a vaccine is proven safe for small children (who are at very low risk of getting very sick anyway) rather than "volunteering" them and hoping they'll be safe is the same as watching your child suffer and die untreated.

Your post is despicable, disgusting  and total BS.
Exact same argument made about polio, smallpox, measles.    Your argument is despicable, disgusting, child hating, virus pimping, and ignores history.
Luke 6:45   ...A good man produces goodness from the good in his heart; an evil man produces evil out of his store of evil.   Each man speaks from his heart's abundance...

It is better to be fearless and cheerful than cheerless and fearful.


Quote from: Lennys Tap on February 14, 2022, 06:43:56 AM
Because waiting to see if a vaccine is proven safe for small children (who are at very low risk of getting very sick anyway) rather than "volunteering" them and hoping they'll be safe is the same as watching your child suffer and die untreated.

Your post is despicable, disgusting  and total BS.

We should be like Sweden.

Lighthouse 84

Quote from: tower912 on February 14, 2022, 05:23:30 AM
Pre-COVID, every so often, there would be a story about a family, generally but not always extremely religious, that would have a sick child that they would choose to not treat.   Either their faith and God would save them, or they didn't want to put anything artificial into them.   
   These stories would come out and most people would shake their heads and tsk, windering what kind of parent wouldn't do everything in their power to save their child.
   Those days are gone.   People like that are being held up as heroes.
Not being willing to volunteer your kid for a vaccine trial, when very young children are not dying (or even getting very sick) from it in the first place, and refusing medical treatment when your child is actually dying are two completely different scenarios.    Do what you want with your own kid, but it's not an unreasonable position for a parent to take in deciding to wait until FDA approval before putting their kids in line for shot after shot after shot.
HILLTOP SENIOR SURVEY from 1984 Yearbook: 
Favorite Drinking Establishment:

1. The Avalanche.              7. Major Goolsby's.
2. The Gym.                      8. Park Avenue.
3. The Ardmore.                 9. Mugrack.
4. O'Donohues.                 10. Lighthouse.
5. O'Pagets.
6. Hagerty's.

Lennys Tap

Quote from: Lighthouse 84 on February 14, 2022, 07:53:09 AM
Not being willing to volunteer your kid for a vaccine trial, when very young children are not dying (or even getting very sick) from it in the first place, and refusing medical treatment when your child is actually dying are two completely different scenarios.    Do what you want with your own kid, but it's not an unreasonable position for a parent to take in deciding to wait until FDA approval before putting their kids in line for shot after shot after shot.

Stop with all this science and logic! Who cares is kids aren't dying or not even getting very sick? Who cares if the most vulnerable for diseases like polio are the least vulnerable from Covid? If you don't sign your kid up for a trial with a vaccine unapproved for children (by the scientists at the FDA) you are a child abuser who hates his kid and would let him or her go untreated if he or she was lying in the street bleeding to death.

Could people who claim to "follow the science" become any more hysterical, illogical and unscientific? I can't see how.


Quote from: tower912 on February 14, 2022, 06:57:34 AM
Exact same argument made about polio, smallpox, measles.    Your argument is despicable, disgusting, child hating, virus pimping, and ignores history.

It is none of the above if a parent chooses to make sure the wrinkles are ironed out before getting their child vaccinated for a virus that poses no where near the threat as polio or smallpox.  Unlike those diseases hundreds of thousands of kids (maybe millions) have already gotten Covid and have natural antibodies and are totally fine so until there is a better understanding to how long those natural antibodies remain protective and what the risk/reward profile of getting a child vaccinated who has already gotten Covid naturally looks like I can understand the hesitancy. 

If you know the full history of the vaccine story/timeline for those above illnesses (Cutter incident as an example) I would hope you could at least understand why some parents just want to wait a bit.  My kids have all their recommended vaccines but none of those use this new mRNA technology so we have just decided to pump the brakes a bit and that's ok. No judgement to those that want to do it right away but there should be a little more understanding towards those that want to wait and see.  Plenty of families don't do the flu shot every year for their kids without being labeled despicable, disgusting, child hating people, how is this any different? 

The Sultan

Quote from: Lennys Tap on February 14, 2022, 09:16:08 AM
Stop with all this science and logic! Who cares is kids aren't dying or not even getting very sick? Who cares if the most vulnerable for diseases like polio are the least vulnerable from Covid? If you don't sign your kid up for a trial with a vaccine unapproved for children (by the scientists at the FDA) you are a child abuser who hates his kid and would let him or her go untreated if he or she was lying in the street bleeding to death.

Of course you are being hyperbolic because no one said any of this.

Quote from: Lennys Tap on February 14, 2022, 09:16:08 AM
Could people who claim to "follow the science" become any more hysterical, illogical and unscientific? I can't see how.

Ironic considering you just used hysterics and hyperbole above.
"I am one of those who think the best friend of a nation is he who most faithfully rebukes her for her sins—and he her worst enemy, who, under the specious and popular garb of patriotism, seeks to excuse, palliate, and defend them" - Frederick Douglass


Luke 6:45   ...A good man produces goodness from the good in his heart; an evil man produces evil out of his store of evil.   Each man speaks from his heart's abundance...

It is better to be fearless and cheerful than cheerless and fearful.


Quote from: tower912 on February 14, 2022, 06:57:34 AM
Exact same argument made about polio, smallpox, measles.    Your argument is despicable, disgusting, child hating, virus pimping, and ignores history.

This comment is the most anti science post and arguably the biggest misinformation post on this topic yet.  The experts, real life data, and the science are now all aligned that this vaccine will not eradicate Covid.  Covid is here to stay, for the above illnesses the vaccine was effective in preventing transmission, this one does not but the Covid vaccine is however pretty good at limiting severe symptoms.  Severe symptoms in children is incredibly rare, so if a new vaccine that has been proven to not prevent transmission but pretty good at preventing severe disease why do you feel it is so critical and urgent to vaccinate a group of people who very very rarely get severe symptoms from this virus.  I don't care that you do just trying to better understand why.


Quote from: pacearrow02 on February 14, 2022, 09:17:45 AM
It is none of the above if a parent chooses to make sure the wrinkles are ironed out before getting their child vaccinated for a virus that poses no where near the threat as polio or smallpox.  Unlike those diseases hundreds of thousands of kids (maybe millions) have already gotten Covid and have natural antibodies and are totally fine so until there is a better understanding to how long those natural antibodies remain protective and what the risk/reward profile of getting a child vaccinated who has already gotten Covid naturally looks like I can understand the hesitancy. 

If you know the full history of the vaccine story/timeline for those above illnesses (Cutter incident as an example) I would hope you could at least understand why some parents just want to wait a bit.  My kids have all their recommended vaccines but none of those use this new mRNA technology so we have just decided to pump the brakes a bit and that's ok. No judgement to those that want to do it right away but there should be a little more understanding towards those that want to wait and see.  Plenty of families don't do the flu shot every year for their kids without being labeled despicable, disgusting, child hating people, how is this any different?

So your kids have the J&J covid vaccine?


Quote from: jesmu84 on February 14, 2022, 09:47:28 AM
So your kids have the J&J covid vaccine?

As a PA I would think you'd be aware that J&J is not approved for kids, so no it's not an option.


Quote from: pacearrow02 on February 14, 2022, 09:53:11 AM
As a PA I would think you'd be aware that J&J is not approved for kids, so no it's not an option.

Recked.  😂😂😂


Quote from: pacearrow02 on February 14, 2022, 09:53:11 AM
As a PA I would think you'd be aware that J&J is not approved for kids, so no it's not an option.

If approved, you'd have no problem though, since it's not mRNA?


Quote from: jesmu84 on February 14, 2022, 10:07:33 AM
If approved, you'd have no problem though, since it's not mRNA?

Yes if approved it would be on the top of the list for our kids. 

Lighthouse 84

If you're going to follow the science, then follow the science.  And it's indisputable that the science currently says that the Covid vaccine for very young children isn't approved. Therefore, it's not unreasonable and not anti-vaccine, nor does it make someone an anti-science moron, to suggest waiting to vaccinate a 2 year old, when (a) the vaccine isn't approved, or (2) very young children don't typically get very ill or die from Covid. 

HILLTOP SENIOR SURVEY from 1984 Yearbook: 
Favorite Drinking Establishment:

1. The Avalanche.              7. Major Goolsby's.
2. The Gym.                      8. Park Avenue.
3. The Ardmore.                 9. Mugrack.
4. O'Donohues.                 10. Lighthouse.
5. O'Pagets.
6. Hagerty's.

Hards Alumni

Here's the thing.  The vaccine isn't dangerous for children.  So stop the nonsense about them being experimented on, 'long term effects', etc.

The fact of the matter is that it doesn't appear to drastically help young children against severe covid.  I'm fine with whatever people decide, but plenty of kids will 'age out' into a population where the vaccine IS effective against severe covid.  And they should for sure get it at that point.

If the vaccine doesn't stop the spread in kids, and it isn't effective, don't get it when they're under 5.  This all makes perfect sense.

But let's not pretend that the vaccine isn't safe. 

Lighthouse 84

Quote from: Hards_Alumni on February 14, 2022, 11:11:38 AM
Here's the thing.  The vaccine isn't dangerous for children.  So stop the nonsense about them being experimented on, 'long term effects', etc.

The fact of the matter is that it doesn't appear to drastically help young children against severe covid.  I'm fine with whatever people decide, but plenty of kids will 'age out' into a population where the vaccine IS effective against severe covid.  And they should for sure get it at that point.

If the vaccine doesn't stop the spread in kids, and it isn't effective, don't get it when they're under 5.  This all makes perfect sense.  AGREED

But let's not pretend that the vaccine isn't safe.
I agree to an extent, but the argument against it has been that it's not FDA approved and isn't effective for kids under 5, so why get it. The argument in favor of it, by some on this board, has been that it's not FDA approved and isn't effective for kids under 5, so get it anyway.  But if it wasn't dangerous for children, the FDA would have approved it.  Like you, whatever a person decides for his or her own children is fine, but until it's approved and/or they have a vaccine that will be beneficial to children, there's nothing anti-science about pumping the brakes and those advocating the position of "get it anyway" (not saying you Hards) are as bad or worse than those who say they'd never get a vaccine.
HILLTOP SENIOR SURVEY from 1984 Yearbook: 
Favorite Drinking Establishment:

1. The Avalanche.              7. Major Goolsby's.
2. The Gym.                      8. Park Avenue.
3. The Ardmore.                 9. Mugrack.
4. O'Donohues.                 10. Lighthouse.
5. O'Pagets.
6. Hagerty's.


Quote from: Lighthouse 84 on February 14, 2022, 11:44:02 AM
The argument in favor of it, by some on this board, has been that it's not FDA approved and isn't effective for kids under 5, so get it anyway. 

Could you please link to the posts stating this?

The Sultan

Quote from: Lighthouse 84 on February 14, 2022, 11:44:02 AM
I agree to an extent, but the argument against it has been that it's not FDA approved and isn't effective for kids under 5, so why get it. The argument in favor of it, by some on this board, has been that it's not FDA approved and isn't effective for kids under 5, so get it anyway.  But if it wasn't dangerous for children, the FDA would have approved it.  Like you, whatever a person decides for his or her own children is fine, but until it's approved and/or they have a vaccine that will be beneficial to children, there's nothing anti-science about pumping the brakes and those advocating the position of "get it anyway" (not saying you Hards) are as bad or worse than those who say they'd never get a vaccine.

My "no brainer to get them vaxxed" statement implied approval.  Did you seriously think otherwise?
"I am one of those who think the best friend of a nation is he who most faithfully rebukes her for her sins—and he her worst enemy, who, under the specious and popular garb of patriotism, seeks to excuse, palliate, and defend them" - Frederick Douglass


Quote from: Hards_Alumni on February 14, 2022, 11:11:38 AM
Here's the thing.  The vaccine isn't dangerous for children.  So stop the nonsense about them being experimented on, 'long term effects', etc.

The fact of the matter is that it doesn't appear to drastically help young children against severe covid.  I'm fine with whatever people decide, but plenty of kids will 'age out' into a population where the vaccine IS effective against severe covid.  And they should for sure get it at that point.

If the vaccine doesn't stop the spread in kids, and it isn't effective, don't get it when they're under 5.  This all makes perfect sense.

But let's not pretend that the vaccine isn't safe.

This is where I'm at.  My view on the vaccine is I think its very safe for adults but minimally effective after about 3 months at doing much of anything.  Wait and see on our kiddos for reasons we've beaten to death.   

Little reluctant to going in every 3-4 months for a booster as i dont have a high risk profile when it comes to severe disease but not at all against the idea of getting a once per year shot like i do for influenza.   

Lighthouse 84

Quote from: Pakuni on February 14, 2022, 11:46:16 AM
Could you please link to the posts stating this?
Quote from: Fluffy Blue Monster on February 04, 2022, 03:00:08 PM
So nothing on the third shot yet.  And no safety concerns identified.

No brainer to get them vaxxed.  Stop implying there are issues when there aren't.

And this has nothing to do with "fear and control" so maybe people can put their tinfoil away now?

Quote from: Fluffy Blue Monster on February 04, 2022, 03:13:28 PM
I have no kids that young.  But if I did, I wouldn't hesitate because I am not an anti-science moron.

But you be you.  You've been wrong repeatedly on this topic from the beginning, but apparently that doesn't stop you from continuing to be wrong.

Quote from: forgetful on February 04, 2022, 06:22:34 PM
The data is clear for those under 2. It is an effective and safe vaccine.

Quote from: Fluffy Blue Monster on February 06, 2022, 07:16:16 AM

Then they should get vaccinated.  It is safe and effective.

This isn't rocket science.

Those are a few.  And yes Sultan.  To say now that you meant no brainer implied approval is the biggest crock o' shyte I've heard in a long time.

HILLTOP SENIOR SURVEY from 1984 Yearbook: 
Favorite Drinking Establishment:

1. The Avalanche.              7. Major Goolsby's.
2. The Gym.                      8. Park Avenue.
3. The Ardmore.                 9. Mugrack.
4. O'Donohues.                 10. Lighthouse.
5. O'Pagets.
6. Hagerty's.

The Sultan

Quote from: Lighthouse 84 on February 14, 2022, 12:09:44 PM
Those are a few.  And yes Sultan.  To say now that you meant no brainer implied approval is the biggest crock o' shyte I've heard in a long time.

I also didn't say that your kids shouldn't have underlying health conditions that would make getting the vaccine problematic.  Are you saying I didn't imply that as well?

You are trying so hard.  It's kind of sad to see you fail so spectacularly.
"I am one of those who think the best friend of a nation is he who most faithfully rebukes her for her sins—and he her worst enemy, who, under the specious and popular garb of patriotism, seeks to excuse, palliate, and defend them" - Frederick Douglass

Lighthouse 84

Quote from: Fluffy Blue Monster on February 14, 2022, 12:22:22 PM

I also didn't say that your kids shouldn't have underlying health conditions that would make getting the vaccine problematic.  Are you saying I didn't imply that as well?

You are trying so hard.  It's kind of sad to see you fail so spectacularly.
It's not that hard to show you're wrong.  You keep doing if for me. 
HILLTOP SENIOR SURVEY from 1984 Yearbook: 
Favorite Drinking Establishment:

1. The Avalanche.              7. Major Goolsby's.
2. The Gym.                      8. Park Avenue.
3. The Ardmore.                 9. Mugrack.
4. O'Donohues.                 10. Lighthouse.
5. O'Pagets.
6. Hagerty's.

The Sultan

Quote from: Lighthouse 84 on February 14, 2022, 12:29:33 PM
It's not that hard to show you're wrong.  You keep doing if for me. 

I also didn't say that people should actually be alive when getting vaccinated.  I guess I should let you know that I implied that as well.
"I am one of those who think the best friend of a nation is he who most faithfully rebukes her for her sins—and he her worst enemy, who, under the specious and popular garb of patriotism, seeks to excuse, palliate, and defend them" - Frederick Douglass


Quote from: Lighthouse 84 on February 14, 2022, 12:09:44 PM

Those are a few.  And yes Sultan.  To say now that you meant no brainer implied approval is the biggest crock o' shyte I've heard in a long time.

I'm pretty sure you're taking several of these out of context, but no matter, really. I was looking for the posts that say "It's not FDA approved and isn't effective for kids under 5, so get it anyway."
That's what you told us was the argument from several posters here. I haven't seen that and was hoping you could point those out for me.
Thanks again.

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